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Emotional intensity and gifted kids - what do you do?

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I am reading the most interesting book right now. Emotional Intensity in Gifted Kids. James has always been a challenge - I've read every book could get my hands on. Raising Your Spirited Child was and is my bible for how to handle. Christine Fonseca, who wrote the book is a guest on my blog today and wrote a post about how to handle stress and anxiety, especially when out and about with said child. Wonderful book. I'm half way through and yellow highlighting lots of things. Drop by my blog and see what she has to say.


I feel silly saying this but it's happened before and I had to put out an emergency call to all my twitter friends. If you drop by please leave a comment. It's embarrassing to have an author do a guest post and no body say a thing.

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I own it, bought it years ago, probably should read it. I've been too busy with said children.Lara


Lol! Totally get it that too hard to read these books when so busy with our kids. Emotional Intensity is brand new. But you're probably talking about Raising your Spirited Child, right. If you have it and haven't read it yet, try to. It's great. In fact, I need to dive back in for a review.

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