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Team in Training?

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I've tried it twice. I had no problem with the physical training portion of it, but I've dropped out both times because I'm just not willing to ask/expect others to fund MY passion/hobby/endeavor. I will only sign up for it again if I can just pay the fundraising portion myself 100% upfront.



How much do they want you to raise?

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I did a TNT marathon 10 years ago (has it really been that long?). I think the training is great compared to some of the other programs friends have used. It was a 6 month training regimen that did not have you run the full amount until the day of the race. But I had serious fundraising issues. I was trying for the Honolulu marathon but did the Dallas White Rock instead since it was local. I only had to raise $1000 instead of $4000. I did yard sales with bake sales, sent the letters, everything they advised but just couldn't get the money together. When it came down to committing the money, I had about 65% raised and was able to get a matching gift from Dh's employer for the cash I had on hand so that put me at my limit. If you are interested, start talking to the local group and people who you think (like family) might be interested in supporting you, especially if you are running for someone. The money deadline comes up pretty quick if I remember correctly-maybe 1/2 or even 1/3 of the way through the training. If you are interested in training, I think their training schedule is online for free so you could theoretically do it yourself and donate the money in memory of your FIL to a charity. The group training runs were a big help to me since I am a super slow runner.

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