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Iron deficiency

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After feeling very tired with loads of different symptoms for ages (a good few years) i have been told I have iron deficiency my serum ferritin was 5 but haemoglobin was fine so not anaemic.


I've been prescribed ferrous sulphate. 3 x 200mg tablets a day. I was wondering though how I can maximise the absorption of the iron so I feel better more quickly and minimise the side effects of the tablets. I looked through some old threads about iron deficiency and it appeared that there is just so much food that stops iron being absorbed as well as it could. What can I eat if i'm having tablets 3 times a day. I was told to take the tablets with food but maybe it would be better to take them between meals? I'm confused.

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I don't know the answer to your question, but I've had really good results with Slow Fe, a time release iron tablet taken once per day. I usually take it at bedtime for no particular reason, but I wonder if that helps keep meals from interfering. http://www.amazon.com/Slow-Fe-Release-Tablets-90-Count/sim/B000052YTI/2 (hmm, I see that amazon's price is better than the local stores, and I need to get more...)


I had a problem with low iron in my last pregnancy, and I noticed a difference within a day or two of starting this. I still had a problem post-partum (after having stopped taking it for a while) and so I took it for a while more and stopped prematurely - I'm not very disciplined - periodically I start again and it's time.

Edited by wapiti
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After feeling very tired with loads of different symptoms for ages (a good few years) i have been told I have iron deficiency my serum ferritin was 5 but haemoglobin was fine so not anaemic.


I've been prescribed ferrous sulphate. 3 x 200mg tablets a day. I was wondering though how I can maximise the absorption of the iron so I feel better more quickly and minimise the side effects of the tablets. I looked through some old threads about iron deficiency and it appeared that there is just so much food that stops iron being absorbed as well as it could. What can I eat if i'm having tablets 3 times a day. I was told to take the tablets with food but maybe it would be better to take them between meals? I'm confused.


First of all, if your ferritin is at 5 then you ARE anemic. The dr who said otherwise is working from outdated guidelines. Ferritin is an equally valid measure. It just happens to be a newer test than the traditional hemoglobin test, so it's not as widely understood.


I too had "fine" hemoglobin (though mine was actually only one point in the normal range--so, one point from anemic) but my ferritin was abysmally low.


Take your iron with a cup of orange juice. Vitamin C does aid absorption.


Eat iron-rich foods and don't worry about absorption issues. Just trust your body to extract what it needs or you'll drive yourself nuts.


You could also take 2T of molasses twice per day--it's a wonderful source of iron. I found it difficult to take it straight, so I diluted mine in half a cup of water. It was easier to swallow and didn't everlastingly coat my mouth this way.


Within the first month I was feeling better, but it really took eight solid months for me to really, truly feel better. Iron builds slowly, so this will take you a little while. Just keep taking your supplements and you will feel better soon. :grouphug:

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Ferrous Sulfate is really the worst form of iron and can be very constipating. And, unfortunately, it is always prescribed. I would recommend Gentle Iron. Take it at night before going to bed with vitamin C. Taking Vitamin C can increase iron absorption by as much as 30%. Calcium inhibits the absorption of iron.


If taking the iron supplement doesn't work, or if you would rather get your iron through food, there are lists of iron rich foods, like spinach, etc.--just google it.

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A folic acid supplement will also help your body absorb the iron. It made a big difference for me and was recommended by my doctor recently along with plenty of vitamin C.


I agree with previous comment that you are most definitely anemic based on the ferritin number. In many ways, it's more important because it shows how much iron you have stored for future use.

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Thanks for the replies. I think i will stop trying to analyse it all so much. I'll try some of the other iron suggestions. Was worried about the iron


Ok so I am anaemic. I think that maybe was what was confusing me a bit as all the advice sheets were for anaemia and dr had told me I wasn't. Any way... in the long run I don't want to be taking tablets but I eat really well so not sure where I'm missing sources of iron but I'll add in the molasses etc...


Thanks everyone:001_smile:

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I've been anemic for the past year. I found out recently that tea (even herbal tea) inhibits the absorption of iron. I am a heavy tea drinker, so I have to plan when to take my iron pill. If you take any grape seed extract, it inhibits iron absorption too. Leafy green is good for health, but not necessary the best source of iron. Most iron in the leafy green is poorly absorbed.


One last thing, you need to continue to take iron for at least 6 months after your test becomes normal to build up your iron reserve in the body. I took iron for 3 months last year and quit right after I tested normal. I was surprised in May to find that I was even more anemic than last year. So I am still on iron pill now even though my test is normal.


I take TwinLab iron pills. They are priced very reasonably at vitacost.com.

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Thanks for the replies. I think i will stop trying to analyse it all so much. I'll try some of the other iron suggestions. Was worried about the iron


Ok so I am anaemic. I think that maybe was what was confusing me a bit as all the advice sheets were for anaemia and dr had told me I wasn't. Any way... in the long run I don't want to be taking tablets but I eat really well so not sure where I'm missing sources of iron but I'll add in the molasses etc...


Thanks everyone:001_smile:


Your ferritin number is terribly low. Please, please take the tablets or some supplement. You will not get what you need to boost your levels from just molasses or food at this point, even though molasses is such a rich source of iron. Once your levels are better, then you can ease back and just use molasses and good eating to try to maintain your levels. You'll need to get a blood test every six months for about the next two years, at least.

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