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Writing program


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I'm curious what responses you'll get. I've not found a program that I'm happy with for that age. I'm trying Writing Strands again with my 3rd grader, but my boys hated it. So far it's going well with dd because I'm not making her rewrite the sentences so much. I do most of the writing and she just copies the last sentence that she's happy with each day.


I've heard good things about WWE and would probably have used it with dd (wasn't around for ds) if I didn't already have WS on hand. I will try it if WS doesn't work out.


I also tried CW when my boys were younger and we all hated that.


I like IEW for my 12yo right now, but I don't think I'd use it with a child before 5th or 6th grade.


Hope you get some helpful responses. And maybe I can get some ideas to file away for future reference. :001_smile:

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Have you looked at Writing Tales? Right now only levels 1 and 2 are available, but it would bridge the gap between where he's at now and programs better suited for older students such as CW Homer or some of the other logic stage choices out there. It combines *some* (not all) elements of WWE & CW while teaching fundamental mechanics such as forming a paragraph, how to transition smoothly from one paragraph to the next, etc. It's very user-friendly and is the first truly open-and-go writing curric. I've ever encountered.

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There was recently a thread about favorite writing program, but I've been out of town for a few days and haven't been on the boards... so I don't know how many pages back that thread is. :)


We've used WWE 1-3 and this year (4th grade) we are using and enjoying Meaningful Composition.

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My favorites (in random order :D):

  • Writing With Ease (narration)
  • Meaningful Composition (Like Excellence in Writing but with more hand holding)
  • Writing Tales (the child rewrites the story, grammar included)
  • The Father's Books. (step-by-step instructions)

I have but haven't looked at it yet; Hands on Essays.


This year I have my 5th using LLATL and ILL. LLATL has writing (I haven't looked through the whole book yet) I may add WWE to get a bit more structure but like I mentioned I need to really look at LLATL.


My 7th grader is using LLATL and The Father's Books;Essay and research Reports level A and I may add WWE for some narration:001_huh:.


My dd really liked Writing Tales, if she wasn't already using LLATL I'm sure she would be using that. Lets just say I'm not selling it yet;).


My two middle boys will use Phonics Road :001_smile:. I'm so thankful I have their writing program all figured out :tongue_smilie:


With my two older I should have either stuck with WWE or Writing Tales because now I feel like we are behind. My dd used Meaningful Composition last year, so at least we are moving forward but I'd like to find a program for my two older students and stick with it.

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You say they are terrible writers. I would listen to SWB's writing audios--go to Peace Hill Press to find them. She will tell you exactly what to do. WWE is of course her curriculum for the methods taught in the audios, but I find doing my own thing much more simple and to my dc's needs. The audios are a must IMO no matter what program you choose.


IEW is also a very good program if you went with something like SWI-A. It would teach your kids a structure, and help them to know what to write.

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