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sound blockers? Peltor earmuffs? Something else?

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Even my non-ADHD kids struggle when I'm trying to do school with someone else. Our dyslexia tester recommended Peltor H10A earmuffs to me, but in reading reviews, I'm finding they are tight and can give headaches, and they also supposedly don't filter out human voices very well (which is the entire point!).


Does anyone have experience with these?


I looked at some of the earmuffs designed for youth, but I'm thinking they probably block out even less sound, and like I said, my purpose isn't to preserve hearing but to block out some voices so I can talk without being a complete distraction to my other kids.


Have you found something else helpful for this purpose? Having the kids go to another room to do school will not work - I need to keep them under observation to make sure they actually do school rather than get distracted (ADD, after all:tongue_smilie:).

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I would start out cheap and see if little tiny disposable ones paired with inexpensive "earmuffs" (our family nickname for them, one of the children calls them that) from a hardware store will work. They are sold as hearing protection.

That's what these are - "hearing protection." They're in the sporting goods dept. LOL They run about $20 a pair.


What do you mean by disposable pair? Are you talking about ear plugs that go in the ear? That might be a possible combo though...ear plugs AND earmuffs!

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That's what these are - "hearing protection." They're in the sporting goods dept. LOL They run about $20 a pair.


What do you mean by disposable pair? Are you talking about ear plugs that go in the ear? That might be a possible combo though...ear plugs AND earmuffs!


Yes, I am talking about the little tiny ones that go in the ear. You can actually re use them, but they are sold as disposable in bags of 100 or so. My husband used to bring his home when he was working around airplanes, now we buy our own. (I keep them in my purse and we use them at really loud movies or at church if they have the speakers up too loud.)

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Any of them will muffle human voices. When my son wanted them we would also play white noise in the background (or classical music) and that seemed to make enough difference he wasn't constantly saying,"What? I didn't hear you??" When you are looking ot buy either the ear muffs or plugs, most will have a chart or something to let you know how much sound they will block so you can make comparisons.

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