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need help with dd16's essay writing

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I need some perspective on an issue thats just come up.


Dd16 is due to go to what is the equivalent of 1st year college in February, to study Mass Communication/Journalism. It is actually a tech college (TAFE here) course that is accredited to flow into 2nd year uni- so it is a bridge for her. It won't be as difficult as normal 1 st year college- more like a high standard community college I guess. She's really excited about it.


So...she is now doing home2teach.com's expository writing course. And doing abysmally at it. And because I am not supposed to help, and I havent helped, I can't tell why she is doing so badly. I have always had a lot of respect for home2teach....but when I look at what she is doing, I cant understand it. There is so much feedback she is overwhelmed (and I did send an email to them asking for the feedback to be broken down more because theres to much at once, and the teacher is doing that). It just feels like a mess. THe subtopics she chose were all so similar, she couldnt find enough informaiton on them, and the feedback is to put all teh info into one paragraph, then do 2 more- and that is many, many more hours' work.


I feel terrible for putting her in something she doesn't appear ready for- but the class was recommended by them. The teacher has now recommended that for the next session she go back to Paragraph 2. She says she thought my dd had foundational writing skills she apparently doesnt have.


Since this is our last chance to do this....I am really wondering what to do. I have 3 months to work with her- a little less actually- before our holidays.

She was perfectly confident and loved writing till now. Now she is spending 6-8 hours a day on her writing assignments alone- no time for any other school- and still not doing well. Something is seriously wrong and I don't know what is the best path to take. I am not 100% sure if its all us, either.


We havent done a heap of essay writing, but I thought we had done enough over the years, and she always seemed a natural at it to me. She hadnt done formal expository writing, although she has done plenty of research assignments- and I figured she would get two 6 week classes in to get that skill up before college next year. Now she is failing the first class and they dont even want her to do it again. And she is so disheartened. She has never worked till 10pm before, but she did 2 nights ago- only to get a lot more negative feedback (and some positive).


Now I am feeling like a failure and wondering what to do next. I am just as concerned for my dd's love and confidence with writing, as with her skills. Perhaps she was overconfident (and perhaps I was overconfident in her skills?) and this is a healthy reality check, but still....this wasn't my intention!


I am thinking that instead of putting her in another class, I take her through the basic skills myself, and leave the TAFE course to bring her into line with their particular style and expectation next year. Because however I teach her anyway, they will do it differently.


Ugh. Any ideas? Suggestions? BTDT?

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Hmmm...I don't have many answers, but do have some questions. Is this course mandatory or something you've signed up for on your own? Did she have to submit a preliminary essay or do some other kind of diagnostic pre-test before signing up? At one point I looked at a couple of options for outsourcing essay writing, and all of them had students submit writing exercises to determine placement. If the placement is not appropriate, I'd say the balance of responsibility should be on the service provider.


Could it be that if your daughter is a "natural" writer that she's not used to really tight or "nitpicky" requirements? Also, my son always struggles with finding enough to write when developing topics for expository writing. If he's writing on something about which he's intensely interested, then he does well, but in general he always has to go back and "beef up" some of his material.


It's a real shame that your daughter is so overwhelmed. Since you're not supposed to help her, could you possibly do some informal "invention" exercises on the side?

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I find critiquing writing to be the hardest part of home schooling. So based on my perceptions, I would be looking for a tutor to bring her through the elements of formal essays. If you can find a book that teaches step by step how to write a formal essay, she may be able to work through that with you. It's a basic formula which can be applied to any topic, and really doesn't vary much. Once she understands what's expected and how to establish her topic, write an outline, etc. she'll probably do just fine. I would suggest a tutor if you can, because a good one can assess what skills she's missing and give you some good direction on how to bring her up to speed in three months. Hopefully others will have specific books or programs to suggest.

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I would drop the home2teach now and get a tutor to walk her through basic essay writing.


My kids have had a wonderful local writing teacher who *never* gives negative feedback. She will put little marks next to errors made, but all of her comments are positive. I have seen my kids (and heard of so many more of her students) just get better and better and better. Lots of negative feedback is not helpful.


A good tutor could probably make a huge difference in a short amount of time.

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Hugs to your daughter. It sounds like the teacher is the problem, not your dd.


You said you've always considered your dd a good writer. Maybe the college she's about to attend can give you some freshman writing samples for you to compare. Then you can see if there are gaps or areas she needs to improve. Your dd will probably spot these areas and work on them on her own, if there are any.


Or, if there is a particular style she's not used to, essay vs. creative writing, she can work on that with a good instruction book at home. It sounds like she's a natural writer so she will probably be able to pick-up different styles easily.


It's sad when adults ruin the potential of talented students. I hope this does not happen to your daughter. :grouphug:


Btw, my ds began reading the Robin Hobbs series last year after I saw it listed on your daughter's book list. So, thank-you!



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There have been a number of studies showing that more than one or two specific, focused elements of critique on a college paper overwhelm students to the point of shutdown -- they can't take it in, it's just too much (I read this as a graduate student in the teaching of writing and rhetoric). So the style and quantity of feedback sounds like too much to begin with, and definitely not appropriate for your dd right now.


Anyone, anyone at all who loves writing, would despair at putting in the amount of time she is doing. With that much pressure, you can't step away from the writing mentally enough to respond to the critiques and look at what you're doing with any degree of objectivity whatever. Sounds like a situation that is just not working... in this case, I think it's the better part of valor to jump ship.


If she works well with you or on her own, continue that. If after a few days away from it all, the two of you discuss the situation and you're still concerned, I second the idea of finding a tutor if possible, someone to work with in real, not virtual, life.

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Oh, thankyou so much everyone for the responses. They are more helpful than you can imagine! All of them.


Yes, I would consider she is a natural writer.

No, the course is definitely not mandatory. I chose it because she has done several others with home2teach before, and we felt it raised the standard of her writing- and since this is her final run with me, I wanted her to do this one- actually the tutor there said she was ready for it, and now has said she obviously made a mistake- she wasn't ready. I feel like she has been thrown in way over her depth but I wonder why it needs to be so difficult and how that much feedback, mostly negative, could be helpful. I am sure the tutor is frustrated as she doesnt understand why my dd doesnt "get it".


I have just talked to her- poor thing, she is so glum about it all- and she said she knows how to write essays (and she does, generally speaking)- she just feels so confused about this one. She says she has learned about choosing appropriate sources, so it hasnt been a waste. We will give it another week, and probably finish it- but only allocate normal 1-2 hours a day to it, and not drop everything else anymore. Whatever she gets done, she gets done.


I will consider a tutor and have a look around at what is available (and affordable). Otherwise, I think we will just go over a basic essay writing course and call it quits and let her work on the skills she will need next year, next year. I can't see what else to do. I am sure she will find her way, even if she has some gaps and catching up to do in specific areas- her overally attitude and approach, and natural aptitude for writing, is just beautiful.


thankyou again. ANy more feedback is welcome.

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I will consider a tutor and have a look around at what is available (and affordable). Otherwise, I think we will just go over a basic essay writing course and call it quits and let her work on the skills she will need next year, next year. I can't see what else to do. I am sure she will find her way, even if she has some gaps and catching up to do in specific areas- her overally attitude and approach, and natural aptitude for writing, is just beautiful.


thankyou again. ANy more feedback is welcome.



I'm coming in late, but think that this is a good idea. You need to know your weak areas, but you can't fix everything at once (a good tutor should work on one at a time) and you need to know what you do well.

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