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Do you ever worry about people you haven't seen on the boards for a while?

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She hung out here because she genuinely liked and respected most of the people here, and enjoyed discussing and debating the myriad of topics that arise. The "we" was most definitely not all-inclusive. I think many of us would agree that there are a few holier-than-thous here who might think about rereading Matt. 7:3 and applying it once in awhile.


If folks would look back over GG's old posts as I did, they would realize that she had a lot of interesting things to say, often spoke out about respecting the differing views of others, and was only ornery when cornered, like most of us are. :)


She was invited to go elsewhere on more than one occasion (and you know who you are), and was constantly being anonymously criticized, and *this* is what aggravated her, NOT the board itself or the honest people on it. I think most folks would agree that the last altercation was provoked and nothing but downright nasty; can you say 'witch-hunt'? I wonder how it feels to have driven an "undesirable" off the boards. Not very christian in my book... or then again, maybe it is.


Nobody drove her off. She was asked an honest question, and once again, instead of responding in a level-headed, open-minded way she became defensive. If you spit on your hostess enough times, eventually you're bound to be escorted out, no matter how valid what your point.


And that's kind of a cheap, unnecessary remark at the end of your post implying that Christians would find it desirable to drive off someone they didn't agree with. Uninformed and assumptive as well.

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:lol: Great argument


Well, I've got volumes to back me up. Apparently you have nothing but "LOL, great argument"... typical. Maybe someone with something to say will chime in. Like GG, I respect the opinions of others *when they actually have one*.

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Nobody drove her off. She was asked an honest question, and once again, instead of responding in a level-headed, open-minded way she became defensive. If you spit on your hostess enough times, eventually you're bound to be escorted out, no matter how valid what your point.


And that's kind of a cheap, unnecessary remark at the end of your post implying that Christians would find it desirable to drive off someone they didn't agree with. Uninformed and assumptive as well.


Yeah, history doesn't bear that out at all.

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Ladies, I've been lurking on these boards for quite a while now. I have seen some wonderful, thoughtful conversations. I've seen compassion, friendship, and all other sorts of "good" on this board. I've also seen some discussions that deteriorated into nothing more than thinly veiled catfights.


Is this really what the WTM board is all about?

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Yeah, history doesn't bear that out at all.


What is your point? Why don't you flush out your argument a bit more, and relate it to the current conversation :confused1:. The maybe we can have a civil conversation or debate, rather than throwing cheap jabs and one liners.

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Well, there have been plenty of people who have said they are glad she's gone, there were several who said they wanted her to leave, and a group of people constantly Rep Raped her because they disagreed. Lots of anonymous Rep Rape, and of course GG made comments about it, and her posts were deleted because we aren't allowed to say we've been Rep Raped, we're just supposed to be good little witches and grin and bear it.

And, it was made to be a ban-able offense to speak about the Rep Rapes. So, you can be Rep Raped, but you can't talk about it, can't ask that the offender show themselves, you have NO way of defending yourself against it. Your little square can turn red for all the world to see, just because people disagree with you, but you have no right to a defense. I don't get it. She was driven off, by the inane carp going on. She did not want to keep her lips zipped about it all, so she didn't. People continued to Rep Rape her, so she continued to call them on it, in the hopes that things would change here. The only change that happened, is that now she's not here to call them on it anymore- and now they are doing it to other people.

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Well, there have been plenty of people who have said they are glad she's gone, there were several who said they wanted her to leave, and a group of people constantly Rep Raped her because they disagreed. Lots of anonymous Rep Rape, and of course GG made comments about it, and her posts were deleted because we aren't allowed to say we've been Rep Raped, we're just supposed to be good little witches and grin and bear it.

And, it was made to be a ban-able offense to speak about the Rep Rapes. So, you can be Rep Raped, but you can't talk about it, can't ask that the offender show themselves, you have NO way of defending yourself against it. Your little square can turn red for all the world to see, just because people disagree with you, but you have no right to a defense. I don't get it. She was driven off, by the inane carp going on. She did not want to keep her lips zipped about it all, so she didn't. People continued to Rep Rape her, so she continued to call them on it, in the hopes that things would change here. The only change that happened, is that now she's not here to call them on it anymore- and now they are doing it to other people.


Wait, what? I thought she had one of the highest reps on the board. Consistently in the top four or five, from the very beginning til when she stopped posting so much in the last week. How is that even close to having her square turn red?


And that's a disgusting way to put that. I can think of nothing worse in my life than being raped, not even being murdered, except having one of my children or mother or friends being raped. Having someone give me bad rep for disagreeing with my speech at one time or another or even consistently compared with such horrors -- I can't imagine how you can use this phrase in this context.

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Well, there have been plenty of people who have said they are glad she's gone, there were several who said they wanted her to leave, and a group of people constantly Rep Raped her because they disagreed. Lots of anonymous Rep Rape, and of course GG made comments about it, and her posts were deleted because we aren't allowed to say we've been Rep Raped, we're just supposed to be good little witches and grin and bear it.

And, it was made to be a ban-able offense to speak about the Rep Rapes. So, you can be Rep Raped, but you can't talk about it, can't ask that the offender show themselves, you have NO way of defending yourself against it. Your little square can turn red for all the world to see, just because people disagree with you, but you have no right to a defense. I don't get it. She was driven off, by the inane carp going on. She did not want to keep her lips zipped about it all, so she didn't. People continued to Rep Rape her, so she continued to call them on it, in the hopes that things would change here. The only change that happened, is that now she's not here to call them on it anymore- and now they are doing it to other people.


Well, if you are in someone else's house, and they ask you not to smoke, are you going to smoke? If you go to someone's house, and they ask you not to wear shoes, are you going to wear shoes? Why is it different here? If she didn't like the rules, she should have just left on her own.


And I would like to submit that she wasn't neg. repped (I don't know how you can compare something like that to rape) for her dissenting opinions, but rather the confrontational way she presented her opinions.

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