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Binoculars for birding?

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Visit this site to read a bit about selecting binocs. I wouldn’t suggest anything higher than an 8 magnification. Too heavy to hold comfortably & steady for any length of time.




IMO, Amazon sells a fairly decent set for $45. They are versatile enough, the whole family will enjoy (and use) them!




Also, see if your local library owns a copy this book. It is filled with high resolution photographs rather than drawings of individual birds. We use it all the time and love it.



Edited by Jenn in FL
Left my Amazon info on the page--
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Your best bet is is to go into a sporting goods store and find someone with some knowledge of optics. You will be able to see them in person, let your dc hold them, make sure you can easily work them, etc.


These can be a major investment, used for many years in a homeschool. I would get the nicest pair you can afford, splurging a little even. :001_smile:

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I met a birder a few years back and asked him about binoculars. He suggested anything under $200 would not be worth it which is why I had been holding off getting a set. However, dd has been begging me for a while and since we have our Eid coming up I thought I might get her an economical, yet useful pair. Can't really splurge, however, the $45 from Amazon might be my best option. We do have a local bird store, but I figured I'd get too depressed if I looked there.... I might stop by it, though, and then get the pair from Amazon.


Thanks, gals.

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Jean et al,


Found the combo here: http://www.eagleoptics.com/binoculars/bushnell/bushnell-birding-combo


I was going to order the Bushnell binoculars from Amazon for $45, then I typed in the above combo and got the SAME combo which ahs the SAME binoculars for

$46!!!! So, yes, I an hyped......


Great! :hurray::hurray::hurray: And isn't it weird how sometimes a combo can be cheaper or the same price as the items separately?

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IMHO, it all depends upon your mindset. Serious birders may well have higher visual standards/requirements than the casual novice bird watcher, however, simple, (but not toylike) optics are far better none and will greatly enhance the birdwatching experience.


One of my considerations prior to purchasing was the stress factor (for me). Spending big $$$ on a pair of binocs may well have provided somewhat better optics, but was it going to be worth me worrying about someone leaving or dropping or breaking them and my kiddos are not the careless sort at all, but as we all know... sometimes things just happen.


For me, I just didn't want to make an heirloom type investment when all we wanted to do was check out a few feathers.:tongue_smilie: The troops just wanted to view birds at a closer range and have some casual fun. We also take our binocs to concerts, to plays, to the beach, to the wetlands, to just about anywhere... Sure would hate for anything to happen to them, but if it does, the world will still revolve and not that much will be at stake.:001_smile:


I promise you...inexpensive does not always equate with inferior and you will get PLENTY of use out of something that everyone can share. I wouldn't worry about not spending top dollar. Your DD will be so thrilled at what a modest, (but quite servicable) pair can bring to her experience.


Enjoy. Have fun.

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I met a birder a few years back and asked him about binoculars. He suggested anything under $200 would not be worth it which is why I had been holding off getting a set. However, dd has been begging me for a while and since we have our Eid coming up I thought I might get her an economical, yet useful pair. Can't really splurge, however, the $45 from Amazon might be my best option. We do have a local bird store, but I figured I'd get too depressed if I looked there.... I might stop by it, though, and then get the pair from Amazon.


Thanks, gals.


Yikes! I wouldn't spend $200. I was thinking more in the $50 - $75 range, as opposed to buying a pair for $20. :001_smile:

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Thanks, Jenn. Nothing like being uplifted.


IMHO, it all depends upon your mindset. Serious birders may well have higher visual standards/requirements than the casual novice bird watcher, however, simple, (but not toylike) optics are far better none and will greatly enhance the birdwatching experience.


One of my considerations prior to purchasing was the stress factor (for me). Spending big $$$ on a pair of binocs may well have provided somewhat better optics, but was it going to be worth me worrying about someone leaving or dropping or breaking them and my kiddos are not the careless sort at all, but as we all know... sometimes things just happen.


For me, I just didn't want to make an heirloom type investment when all we wanted to do was check out a few feathers.:tongue_smilie: The troops just wanted to view birds at a closer range and have some casual fun. We also take our binocs to concerts, to plays, to the beach, to the wetlands, to just about anywhere... Sure would hate for anything to happen to them, but if it does, the world will still revolve and not that much will be at stake.:001_smile:


I promise you...inexpensive does not always equate with inferior and you will get PLENTY of use out of something that everyone can share. I wouldn't worry about not spending top dollar. Your DD will be so thrilled at what a modest, (but quite servicable) pair can bring to her experience.


Enjoy. Have fun.

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