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Will I ever learn my lesson in avoiding math misery?


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This was my first year with a high schooler. I may have overloaded her a bit, given her "cognitive style," and we only finished up her last piece of work for the year at the very end of July. I just needed a break at that point and did not keep up with reviewing math with dd10. Not a single page a day or flash cards, nothing. And now I'm paying the price. Tears, tears, tears. Pure misery. Why can't I just learn that I can't take a break from math at all with this dd? CLE is the perfect curriculum for her with all the review and drill, but we can never take a break or our lives are miserable. (But sometimes I do need a break.)

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Just went through this for the past two weeks with my guys and math. It's slowly coming back. Hang in and make practice fun. M&Ms, jump rope, stair climbing, whatever.


Be encouraging. Think of how well you do with memorization, something like scripture or whatever. It does fade and it takes time to regain it. That's very normal. We all appreciate grace when we fail...remember she needs your help though, not criticism. I forget that so often so don't take that in a combative way, I'm just speaking from experience and that's not pretty, kwim?




I totally understand needing the break - I did very much and we did NO math over the summer either!

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I hear you. I knew my DD should be doing math every day this summer, but... it just didn't get done. Starting back hasn't been as bad as it could have been, but I have guilt because I know it would have been better if I'd stayed on my game. But as you say, moms get tired too, need a break, etc.


Think I might look at something on the computer next summer. ALEKS or maybe even TT, which is a crazy amount of $ to spend on a summer supplement, but I wouldn't have to teach it, which means it might get done and I'd still get the time to recharge.


Anyway, I'm rambling, but I just wanted you to know you're not alone. Hope things get better soon :).



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This is why I am such a fan of the "Summer of Fred". Fred's done independently, so I get a break and they get math practice... aaaah.




This is what we do. Ds is weak in math and if he stops, he loses it all. It is so important to stay fresh. He did LoF pre-algebra over the summer and is now flying through MUS pre-algebra as if we had not taken 3 months off school. :D

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As much as I love CLE and it's perfect for my son's learning style , I feel it is not conceptual enough . Too much memorization / facts based than concepts .

Maybe that's why she forgot .


Math shouldn't be a " forgettable " subject .

That is the reason I feel a need to add to CLE . Makes the day longer , but worth it .

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Be encouraging. Think of how well you do with memorization, something like scripture or whatever. It does fade and it takes time to regain it. That's very normal. We all appreciate grace when we fail...remember she needs your help though, not criticism. I forget that so often so don't take that in a combative way, I'm just speaking from experience and that's not pretty, kwim?




You are very right. Thank you for sharing this. I can't be reminded enough to be gentle and supportive when I'm faced with this frustration.

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As much as I love CLE and it's perfect for my son's learning style , I feel it is not conceptual enough . Too much memorization / facts based than concepts .

Maybe that's why she forgot .


Math shouldn't be a " forgettable " subject .

That is the reason I feel a need to add to CLE . Makes the day longer , but worth it .


I wish I had could manage to supplement because dd is actually very strong in conceptual understanding and I'd like to foster that. As good as CLE is, however, you're right, it is not as good as programs like Singapore in developing the conceptual thinking. (I'm hoping I can say that without being blasted because I'm a lifetime member of the CLE fan club.) Singapore was not a big hit for us because dd has always had problems with fact memorization, and she really needs a program where it's incorporated on a daily basis. I think she would roll up into a ball if I tried to add any more math to her day. So, here we are chugging along with CLE, grateful that it's as thorough as it is.

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