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Can LFC be used secularly or is there something similar and better?


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We have SSL and I really liked the setup and look of LFC compared to all the other curricula I looked at but I am a bit apprehensive about it's stance as far as if it is too religious or whatnot as we prefer secular materials and teaching religion in our own way.


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The only thing I can think of in LFC that is not purely secular is a quote chanted in the first couple of chapters of LFC A--In principio erat verbum--In the beginning was the Word. Other chapters have quotes from Cicero or other ancient Roman dudes. There is no religious discussion at all. You should have no problem with this curriculum.

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The only thing I can think of in LFC that is not purely secular is a quote chanted in the first couple of chapters of LFC A--In principio erat verbum--In the beginning was the Word. Other chapters have quotes from Cicero or other ancient Roman dudes. There is no religious discussion at all. You should have no problem with this curriculum.


:iagree: We're not all the way through A yet, but I can't think of anything we've come across that would make it not work for a secular family.

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How about in the upper levels? I personally do not want to start a Latin program then need to switch.


I am not certain about LFC C but B has some content that is very easily skipped because it is supplemental. In the review chapters there are translation passages that are taken from the History Reader that goes with level B. Some of those passages cover religious topics, such as St. Augustine, because the history reader coordinates with the Middles Ages, Renaissance & Reformation history topics from Veritas Press. I don't have a copy of the book at hand right now to be more specific about which passages are included, but they are really supplemental parts of the review chapters.

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