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So bummed we can't start school Monday.


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I knew I was taking a huge risk not ordering my curriculum from WP until August, but I just didn't have the money to do it sooner. So many doctor bills still rolling in from having a baby. :p


I ordered it the first week in August and told them we hoped to be able to start the last week in August. I am still missing lots of books needed to get started. I was really hoping it would be different for me. lol! Don't we all?


Oh well, I'm sure it will all be here soon. Thankfully, all of the doctor bills will finally be paid off at the end of this year and I will be ordering next years curriculum, if we decide to use WP again, very early in the year!


Thanks for letting me whine. I think dh is tired of hearing it and I just wanted to say it to someone who would get it. ;)

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Yay for getting the doctor paid! :) Do you have some of what you need for Monday? If you really want to start, maybe you could just do one or two subjects until everything arrives. You could make Monday Library day, and get some books to do a unit study on something until your WP order arrives. I know how hard it is to wait!

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I'm missing most of the main items.


I'm sure we'll do something Monday that we have laying around here. It works out a little bit because we are having our front door repaired on Tuesday and I have to be out of the house all day. DH is being unreasonable and refuses to air condition the outside. :lol:


Thanks for understanding! :D

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I hope so! I'm going to call them Monday and see if they can give me an estimate of when those books might ship. Just so I can stop stalking the mail lady.


I thought of making our start date for after labor day. It's just too hot still to go outside and our pool is already closed during the day because all the kids went back to school a month ago.


I think we are all just bored and feeling cooped up. We are going on a field trip Tuesday though. That should help our moods. We are also in the midst of soccer season and gymnastics have started back. :)

Edited by leighp
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Field trips, arts and crafts, some good books from the library... those will be good things to do for now while you wait :)


Wow. Kids go back to school early there huh? Here, the public schools start on Monday. We're gonna wave to the bus while we sit on the couch and read, in our pajamas, or something. :D

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Yes! It's crazy how soon we start here. You think with it being so hot and them furlowing teachers for 13 days this year, they might have just started school a little later and saved money trying to air condition buildings in the 100+ degree heat. :p

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