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SOTW for different ages...extra reading for the older kid?


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I keep typing and retyping this, and I can't even seem to describe what I'm looking for...so I'll just throw it out there and see if some of you can tell me what it is :). I'm doing SOTW1 with 9, 7, and 4 1/2 year olds this year, and I need more reading for my 9 year old to do independently. He wants to stick around and listen to all the read alouds I do with my others, so I want to make sure I don't give him something that's just rehashing what he's already heard. And he's doing some historical fiction tie-ins separately, so I'm looking for non-fiction. He's interested in biographies maybe, but I'm not sure how many good biographies aimed at kids I'll be able to find for the Ancients. but maybe? He's a strong reader, but he's only recently started to be interested in history, so I want to try to nurture that newfound enthusiasm with really exciting stuff. Any ideas or lists of books you've used if you've BTDT? Thanks!

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Oh, there's tons of ideas out there. For non-fiction and biographies you could first check Paula's Archives (website) for Ancients booklists for you son's grade or reading level. Then consult All Through the Ages and see what it offers. You can always look at catalogs/lists (online or oder a paper one) from TOG, AO, Veritas Press, SL, WP, WTM, Tanglewood, etc. Veritas Press and WTM have good recommendations for ancient history for your sons' age.

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I do SOTW with my kiddos and I just assign extra reading to my oldest. I pull book ideas from reading lists online and from the SOTW activity guide - I look things up on Amazon and either get what I need there or from the library. He reads about 1/2 hour a day from books that are related to his history studies - we discuss and I have him do some writing about what he read sometimes (not all the time).

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You want me to show you EG's reading list? It's not correlated w/ SOTW, but it is ancients. It's all scattered in my Pages file, though, so it'd be easier to bring her notebook, lol.


That'd be awesome--thanks! I looked at your blog for ideas already, actually, but, yeah, it'd be easier if you'd just bring me a list ;)


I'm not sure why I'm so overwhelmed by this. I thought we had a plan, and he was going to read Joy Hakim's Story of Science. But he's really disliking it so far, and I want to nurture this new something-approaching-enthusiasm he has about history. I've been looking through the activity guide, but I'm just not sure.

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