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New CC semester begins tomorrow and I am not enthused

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38 students in each class or total?


In each class, you've got my sympathies.

Total... I've got two classes & they upped the size since we've got so many students coming to school with the economy the way it is... Each class has 30 students. Last year this classroom only had 29 desks. :glare:


I spent yesterday getting online stuff taken care of, so at least that's ready.

Couldn't fall asleep night before last because I was mentally giving my first night's announcements & lecture. <sigh>


I'm pretty much burnt out, but I'm trying to remember that each semester I do have some really good students. I'm going to focus on them and not on the troublesome ones. And I do enjoy teaching once I get into it - it's just the dragging myself there that I hate.


Hope you manage to accomplish what you need to today and find your groove this semester. Getting back to it is tough & I know I'll be whining today that I don't wanna go tomorrow! :D

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38 students in each class or total?




I added wrong! 48 - 31 in one class and 17 in the other.


I am teaching Intro. to Psych. I love teaching the course and I will be fine once I get there it's just that my summer has been so short - the summer term ended just three short weeks ago and I went straight into planning DS's school year. Between teaching this summer and having aspartame poisoning and Lyme disease I never got to go anywhere.

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Can you explain the aspartame poisoning to me, or direct me to a post where you already explained it? I am wondering what happened, because my sister has been sick for a year, and the doctors have never figured out what is wrong, but we read an article with symptoms that sounded very much like side effects of aspartame. Thanks, and sorry you didn't have a good summer!

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I added wrong! 48 - 31 in one class and 17 in the other.


I am teaching Intro. to Psych. I love teaching the course and I will be fine once I get there it's just that my summer has been so short - the summer term ended just three short weeks ago and I went straight into planning DS's school year. Between teaching this summer and having aspartame poisoning and Lyme disease I never got to go anywhere.


Hope you got a lot of good prep done today and your classes go great tomorrow. I took the summer off and really have enjoyed having the evenings at home and not grading (I hate grading with a passion but am always grateful I don't have to do papers - I teach math - but the department has a common syllabus with five tests during the semester. Blech.)

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No, I didn't do much today. I was otherwise occupied. I just checked my online registration info and my classes are full and the one has a waitlist. Wow- oh, wow! I hope I am ready for the challenge.


It's going to be a late night. Gotta update the syllabus and Blackboard site for each class.


Thank goodness my migraine went away.

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But, my classes don't start until Sept 3rd, so I have a bit more time.


I'm starting my hs today so that it is up and running when my college classes start. I learned the hard way: NEVER EVER start both on the same day. What can I say? I was young, foolish, and crazy one year and did both on the same day. Big mistake.

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But, my classes don't start until Sept 3rd, so I have a bit more time.


I'm starting my hs today so that it is up and running when my college classes start. I learned the hard way: NEVER EVER start both on the same day. What can I say? I was young, foolish, and crazy one year and did both on the same day. Big mistake.


I planned it that way this year. I figured it would help keep my calendar in tune. You know - homeschooling dates will be easier to track, field trips easier to plan, etc. I will kow exactly when to start and end the term.


Should of asked you about it, huh?


Any other adivce you want to share?

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