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"Expelled: No Intelligence Allowed" movie question

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Dh and I can hardly wait to see Ben Stein's "Expelled" movie this weekend!


Has anyone on these boards had the privilege of getting into any of the special showings? We're trying to decide if we should bring our dds, ages 13 and 11. The trailer says something to the effect of "some scary images." I'd like to know what they are before taking them.

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maybe there are just images of Richard Dawkins getting upset! :angry: That might be scary!


Sorry, I'm just being facetious! Honestly, I don't know, but I can't imagine that Ben Stein would do anything over the top! I think he's hilarious, and I plan on making an outing of it with our family!

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I saw it last night.... great movie! :thumbup: There was a scene where Ben Stein goes to Germany and they show a photograph of dead bodies from the Holocaust. It only lasts a few seconds.


I was happily surprised at the number of teens at the showing last night. Everyone burst into applause at the end of the film. I highly recommend it. It was very interesting and sure to provoke some interesting discussions.

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and we had a terrific discussion afterwards. He picked up so much of it but we also do a great deal of discussion in our house about all issues so he's used to it. Ditto what Mamabyrd said about the Holocaust scene. It's about 3/4 of the way through so you can prepare the kids for it. There were a number of teens at the showing we went to as well.

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I would take my 13 year old daughters (can't afford to though) but yes, there is one picture of dead bodies of the Holocaust. It's short.


I saw it yesterday and thought he did a pretty good job. There were a few things, likely due to time restrictions, that he was not able to really expand on as much as I would have liked.


I didn't learn anything new myself. Drama-mentaries like this bug me personally, due to the fast scene changes and camera angles. They're keeping the attention of people used to a sound-bite TV world. I've already read about most of the things he brought up in a more in depth way. It was entertaining and hopefully a starting point for personal research by those who have not been exposed to the subjects brought up.


LOL. Richard Dawkins doesn't get upset. He stays pretty cool, actually.

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LOL. Richard Dawkins doesn't get upset. He stays pretty cool, actually.


Hi, Cheryl-


Where did you see it? (Can you PM me?)


Was the crowd atheist-friendly, or do I need to wear a hat to hide my facial expressions? I'm thinking about going, but I don't want to get hit with any flying vegetables if people find out I'm not on the bandwagon. I would like to have first-hand knowledge of the movie so I can have my own informed opinion.

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DH and I saw it on Saturday and thought it was good. We had a great discussion about it with our kids yesterday and plan for them to see it. The only part that could be upsetting is the one already mentioned with the bodies of Holocaust victims, but it was really quick.

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I do feel that there is a lot of cynicism in the Christian world about environmentalism. I feel that it's probably because we don't want to be associated with people on the left of other issues (abortion, family values, etc.), but I can't speak for everyone.


I personally feel that God wants us to take care of the environment. If we truly believe that He created it, and I do whole-heartedly, then how can I not care about it? But I do feel that too many people make these issues political, so I see it as another way that they are trying to gain government control over everything.


For example, the global warming issue. I haven't researched it totally, but there have been periods in our past of different climate situations and technology didn't cause those, so how do we know it's not just part of the natural cycle of the climate of Earth? Emissions didn't cause the "global warming" that brought us out of an ice-age.


I haven't seen the movie yet, but we do plan to go. I don't know if we'll take both children, because of our youngest.



11yo dd

4(almost5)yo ds

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