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Scientists and/or inventors to cover


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Hi. We're planning on trying to cover one scientist/inventor a month this year. Who would you suggest and do you have a book that you'd recommend to use with that person? I know we'd like to cover Faraday and Tesla(still need book recommendation for these too), but I can't decide who else. Thanks.:001_smile:

Oh and this is for 4th grader.

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Take a look at A Picture History of Great Inventors. It's an interesting survey through time of scientists and inventors, visually appealing, and has a cool timeline along the bottoms of the pages showing what was happening in the world at the time of each person.



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I love the Great Scientist Series mentioned above!


This may also be useful:

Our History co-op has expanded to science and history for this year, and each Wednesday's meeting will toggle between the two: chapters/activities from SOTW II, and Astronomy/Earth Science experiments and field trips.


To prep, I picked up VanCleave's Scientists through the Ages, as well as Allaby/Gjertsen's Makers of Science from the library, and noted which scientists were either mentioned or covered in detail. (These are from Ancient Times and Middle Ages only, but they may still be helpful!)


Here they are, in list form – including birth/death dates.

Apologies for misspellings...!

Makers of Science: Allaby/Gjertsen

384-322 BCE, Aristotle

1473-1543, Nicolaus Copernicus

1564-1642, Galileo Galilei

1571-1630, Johannes Kepler

1578-1657, William Harvey

1642-1727, Isaac Newton

1707-1778, Carolus Linnaeus

1743-1794, Antoine Lavoisier

Scientists Through the Ages: VanCleave

625?-?546 BCE, Thales

460?-370? BCE, Democritus

450-370 BCE, Leucippus

384-322 BCE, Aristotle

372?-287? BCE, Theophrastus

287-212 BCE, Archimedes

190-120 BCE, Hipparchus

100-170, Claudius Ptolemy

965-1039, Alhazen

1452-1519, Leonardo da Vinci

1473-1543, Nicolaus Copernicus

1544-1603, William Gilbert

1546-1601, Tycho Brahe

1564-1642, Galileo Galilei

1571-1630, Johannes Kepler

1602-1686, Otto von Guericke

1622-1703, Vincenzo Viviani

1623-1662, Blaise Pascal

1627-1691, Robert Boyle

1629-1695, Christiaan Huygens

1632-1723, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek

1635-1682, Johann Becher

1635-1703, Robert Hooke

1642-1727, Sir Isaac Newton

1660-1734, Grorg Stahl

1686-1736, Gabriel Daniel Fahrenheit

1701-1744, Anders Celsius

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