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First day of school was yesterday...

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Oh! I made the mini paper tissue flowers as well. The pirate ship was all me too!! I forget to give myself credit sometimes!


It took me a week of working on the cones cutting stuff out, gluing, etc. But it was worth it to see the look on the kids' faces and they were counting down the days for WEEKS!! They were begging to start school because they knew that they would get their cones, they would get crowned into a new grade, and we would do our first day of school march.



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Looks like fun. :) I'd heard of the cones before but never the crowning! Maybe I need to make something too now, though the kids have all dug through all my new supplies already lol. We never really officially ended last year bc of moving and other craziness, so it would be great to have a ceremony to start this one! What is your march?

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Excuse me, but, can you please tell me how to place my order and how much they will cost? Do you have a pen? I've got my shipping address ready for you!


hehe. I'd buy those things! (seriously!) They look fantastic, almost professional! How adorable! I'd never be able to be THAT creative.

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Love love love that you did Schultüte for your kids! We just moved back to Germany and I plan to do this for my 1st grader when we start in a week and a half. My now 5th grader started the 1st grade in a German public school a few years ago and we made him a Schultüte and participated in the big to-do that they do for new 1st graders. It was so much fun!! My middle child (now 3rd grade) never had the experience so I'm going to make him and my daughter one for the start of this school year.

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