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Would appreciate prayers and positive thoughts for recovery from dental procedure...

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I feel kind of silly because this was elective (sort of). I had a cap that needed replaced and an awful looking tooth that had a hole in the front so I decided to get veneers on my front teeth. I had the procedure done on Thursday and have had horrible acid reflux since then. I feel like I can't swallow. I have a history of acid reflux and I took aleve for the pain. That combined with not eating much threw me for a loop. I am having panic attacks because my throat hurts and it doesn't feel good to swallow. Prayers or positive thoughts that I will be able to feel normal again soon would be much appreciated!

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I'll pray for you. Can you get some over-the-counter reflux meds to take? Those helped me so much during my pregnancies. I had terrible reflux in the middle of the night that would cut off my air supply. Needless to say, I was panic-y about it, too. And yes, the throat pain that it leaves behind...ugh.


I had a filling replaced a month ago and it's been causing me pain ever since. It's looking more and more like it may turn into a root canal. I'm terrified. I never have teeth issues. I get them cleaned every 6 months, my dentist comes in, says, "Hello, everything looks fine. See you in 6 months!" and that's it. I can't even begin to imagine a root canal.


Praying that things improve for you quickly.:grouphug:

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Oh, that's awful! I will pray for this being a temporary thing! I suffer from reflux also and know how much it can affect normal life.


The feeling of not being able to swallow is a common symptom of nasty reflux - ugh. Mine showed up as a feeling of a lump in my throat. Talk about panic! I had anxiety with that until the meds helped. I can only imagine how awful it must be to have difficulty swallowing. :sad:


Have you tried OTC reflux meds? There are many that could at least make it feel better (liquid antacids or pills). Your doctor can help. My dr. looked at my throat (with a tiny scope through the nose) and noted that it was quite red, a sign that it was being burned on a regular basis, even when I wasn't feeling the burning sensation. Not good. I now take a proton pump inhibitor (Prilosec or Nexium [when it gets bad]) but used OTC meds before that.


Hope you feel better soon! :grouphug:

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Thanks, Ladies. I am doing a little bit better. I actually called the after hours line at my dentist this afternoon just for them to assure me that it was "just" reflux and not some complication from the procedure. They reassured me and gave me some additional suggestions to follow. Hopefully this will totally clear up soon.



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