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Fed up w/trend to push dc into sports at young age. Help me find this website...

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I remember seeing an ex pro baseball player on a talk show, talking about how he has started a program to get dc back into their neighborhoods playing with dc and W/O adults directing their every move.


He basically went on to say how the skills of baseball players are getting worse, as they are over coached and how this starts with 10-13 yo's working so heavily on the technical side of the game, that they are losing the basics of how to just throw and catch balls.


What followed was very interesting. He started talking about how dc going into college have weak leadership skills and misguided self-confidence. He attributed these things to dc never just stepping out the door to play with dc. That most dc are being directed on every move in their life from a very, very young age.


Anyway, he had started a website to start to re-educate people and I can't find it. It was something like "taking back kids baseball" or something like that.:glare: I have tried googling it several different ways and come up with nothing.


Can anyone help?




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Here's an NPR story similar to what you're looking for: http://www.npr.org/templates/story/story.php?storyId=5535851


Exactly what I was looking for! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!:grouphug:

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