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Singapore Math Advice


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I really need some advice about math. If you're using Singapore Math as a stand-alone program what components are you using? My DS is working thru 4 A/B standards edition for 4th grade. Currently, we are using WB, IP, and CWP (plus the TB and HIG). Is this enough??? I feel like he's not doing enough math because it doesn't take up much time. Maybe that's not necessarily a bad thing. :confused:


I recently got his ITBS tests back and he scored in the 97th percentile for math except for math computation where he only scored 60th. Last year he scored in the 99th percentile for math including computation (he was in PS at the time). I realize that his lower scores are not a super big deal but I do want to make sure that I'm not missing anything.


I own Saxon 6/5. My original plan was to have him work thru both programs but I've kept Saxon on the shelf because every thread that I've read says that would be overkill.


If you supplement, what do you use?


Any advice would be appreciated. I've spent the last month or so stressing about curriculum choices and I'm ready to put the obsession to rest. :tongue_smilie:

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We use the textbook, workbook, and CWP. We also do the mental math in the back of the HIG.


Was the ITBS for 3rd grade? The reason I ask is that there is a major format change between 2nd and 3rd grade that could cause a dip in scores.

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We're in 3A right now.

I use the text, WB, CWP, IP, some of iExcel (more bar model practice & solving problems approaches), and some Miquon. We started using the Extra Practice book last year because I wasn't feeling there was enough drill for my son.


I wouldn't worry about the length of time math takes, but I would continue to check that there is mastery. We use the placement tests from the Singapore site at the end of each text. If scores were low I'd review before moving on.


I also have the Spectrum Math workbooks and use some pages from them anytime I feel my son's struggling with a concept and needs extra practice.


I think the Standards Edition does a better job of including more review and more practice than the US edition (we used US for 1 and moved to Standards with 2).


My son took the CAT last year and made some arithmetic errors on the computation portion that he shouldn't have, so sometimes testing just goes wrong.


I've read about people using the Tests book as extra practice as well.

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I really don't have any counsel for you, but just thought I'd say, "Wow."

That's all.

I never had a kid that high on the percentile rank in math.

I'd say just stick with whatever you're doing, as it seems to be working. Be glad it doesn't take long. [i cannot relate with that, lol, since math takes us quite a long time over here.]

I guess I can see why you're wondering if there's more you should do, but with mastery like that, sounds to me like you're good. :001_smile: And remember, this is coming from someone who has [probably ] NO advice for you, lol!

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I really need some advice about math. If you're using Singapore Math as a stand-alone program what components are you using? My DS is working thru 4 A/B standards edition for 4th grade. Currently, we are using WB, IP, and CWP (plus the TB and HIG). Is this enough??? I feel like he's not doing enough math because it doesn't take up much time. Maybe that's not necessarily a bad thing. :confused:
You may wish to consider dropping or somewhat curtailing use of the workbook and adding more mental math drills. We like the Math Express Speed Math Strategies books.


If you supplement, what do you use?
I'd be temped to add in Life of Fred: Fractions. The only prerequisites are knowing math facts and being able to do long division with multi-digit divisors. Primary Grade Challenge Math might be fun, as might MEP. Interactive versions of MEP's Y3, 4, and 5 are available online.
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Thanks for the excellent suggestions! :D That's why I love this board so much! You've made me feel much better about leaving Saxon on the shelf. I think that the mental math practice is very good advice.


Diane, thanks for making me smile. :) But, I have to disagree with you. Your advice was good. ;)

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Another reason why it's common for kids who scored at the high end of 2nd grade standardized tests to score a little bit lower on the 3rd grade is that many schools don't start administering standardized tests to all their students until 3rd. The 2nd grade pool is also likely skewed somewhat towards the lower-end of the bell curve ability-wise since those are the kids the schools are most concerned about being on track.

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