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Kids going to public school

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This decision has not been an easy one. I have been very stressed about it.

Tomorrow we go to the middle school and talk with a counselor about dd starting classes(school starts on the 19th). The 16th we go to the high school for ds.

I hope it's a smooth transaction for them. They have been home the last 7 years.

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Can both of you who have recently sent their children to school tell me more? I am wondering why, and how you came to decide this. I just started homeschooling my children in the spring after 2 years in public school (we lived in Moscow before that and had our oldest in a math-magnet public school for gifted kids and homeschooled our then-kindergartener). Maybe I am just having cold feet as September rolls towards me but I am wondering if I have it in me to really do this, especially with 4 students (pre-k, 1, 3, 5th) and a baby. Very curious about why people obviously committed to hsing, and aware of its benefits and pitfalls, would deciced to do something else. Sorry for the highjack--maybe I should post this question as a spin-off thread. I will if you'd prefer that.

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The last 2 years of homeschooling have been difficult for us so we decided it's best they go back(even though dd only went for K and ds went for K and 1st grade). When we started homeschooling, we knew that there was a chance of them going back to public school.


We met with the middle school yesterday and that went great~very excited about dd starting there.

Talked to the high school today and hit a snag~we have to fill out some transfer papers since we live on the other side of town. We don't want the kids going to the school where we live now and had no idea about these papers so I'm stressed about it right now. I know it will all work out though :001_smile:


We feel we have made the right decision for our family.


Good Luck with your homeschooling adventure.



Can both of you who have recently sent their children to school tell me more? I am wondering why, and how you came to decide this. I just started homeschooling my children in the spring after 2 years in public school (we lived in Moscow before that and had our oldest in a math-magnet public school for gifted kids and homeschooled our then-kindergartener). Maybe I am just having cold feet as September rolls towards me but I am wondering if I have it in me to really do this, especially with 4 students (pre-k, 1, 3, 5th) and a baby. Very curious about why people obviously committed to hsing, and aware of its benefits and pitfalls, would deciced to do something else. Sorry for the highjack--maybe I should post this question as a spin-off thread. I will if you'd prefer that.
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Can both of you who have recently sent their children to school tell me more? I am wondering why, and how you came to decide this. I just started homeschooling my children in the spring after 2 years in public school (we lived in Moscow before that and had our oldest in a math-magnet public school for gifted kids and homeschooled our then-kindergartener). Maybe I am just having cold feet as September rolls towards me but I am wondering if I have it in me to really do this, especially with 4 students (pre-k, 1, 3, 5th) and a baby. Very curious about why people obviously committed to hsing, and aware of its benefits and pitfalls, would deciced to do something else. Sorry for the highjack--maybe I should post this question as a spin-off thread. I will if you'd prefer that.


My ds's are at a small private school. Both had always been homeschooled before that. Ds1 started last year in 9th grade. His middle school years were tough for us. He'd begun seeing us parents as his adversaries. We agonized for over 6 months over whether to send him to school. It's been great for everyone and our relationship with him is much more peaceful.


Ds2 will start this year in 7th but he's only taking 2 classes there. Different reason for him going. We're sending him partly to give him more opportunity to interact with others and partly because I'm just tired of doing all the teaching. Co-ops and other outsourcing hasn't worked well for us in this regard.



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