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Out of the mouth of babes . . .(re: Reading Comprehension)

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Well, she's not actually a "babe"; she's my soon-to-be college freshman daughter who is an avid reader.


I was discussing curriculum for my ds10, who is also an avid reader, with this wise daughter who asked what the purpose of a reading curriculum is. I responded with education-ease about comprehension, finding details in reading selections . . . blah, blah, blah.


Here's how the conversation concluded:


DD: "When he reads something, does he understand it?"


Mom: "Yep."


DD: "If he comprehends what he's reading, why does he need a workbook for reading comprehension? Can't he just read?"


'Nuf said. Thank you Ruth Beechick #2. Marking that workbook off the list. Less to do each day. Sigh of relief.


It's too bad she's leaving for college. I could use a good teaching assistant.:D

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Well, she's not actually a "babe"; she's my soon-to-be college freshman daughter who is an avid reader.


I was discussing curriculum for my ds10, who is also an avid reader, with this wise daughter who asked what the purpose of a reading curriculum is. I responded with education-ease about comprehension, finding details in reading selections . . . blah, blah, blah.


Here's how the conversation concluded:


DD: "When he reads something, does he understand it?"


Mom: "Yep."


DD: "If he comprehends what he's reading, why does he need a workbook for reading comprehension? Can't he just read?"


'Nuf said. Thank you Ruth Beechick #2. Marking that workbook off the list. Less to do each day. Sigh of relief.


It's too bad she's leaving for college. I could use a good teaching assistant.:D



LOL Can you send her over here to help me! I have WAAAAAY to much going on and I am sure she could help me down size by half and we would still be OK LOL

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