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Do you have your HS student keep a planner?

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Do you have your HS student keep a planner?


I have homeschool tracker plus that works pretty well for us but I was wondering should I require he plan out his days?


If you have them keep one what do they put in it just school assignments, or just outside activites or both?

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I think that is an EXCELLENT idea!! I don't use a planner but I have a 9th grader...our 'assignments' are similar every day...so it seemed redundant to create weekly lists that were just saying the same thing....but I am doing a lot more to help him keep track of his time spent on subjects to help me determine how much credit to assign...I was going to have him fill in blocks of time each day and average it out over the semester....I have to make it this week, so I'll let you know what I come up with! :)


Anyone willing to share their word doc/plans..please do! :)


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Guest EricTTung

God's Word in Time Scripture Planners are great! http://www.scriptureplanners.com


They've got durable plastic covers, daily scripture and inspiration, study tips, and come in 4 different grade levels.


They're about $10 a piece, but they do offer bulk discounts if you order in a homeschool group.


They also have lesson plan books, grade books, and matching posters for each of their planners. And the planners come in KJV and NIV editions for as you may prefer.


The company is based in Houston, and are a small, women-owned and family operated business - I think their entire full-time staff is less than 5, but they really work to bring God's word into students' lives every day.


I really recommend them!

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Actually we started him using a planner when he was 8 or so... I had gotten tired of answering all the "what are we doing today? tomorrow? next Wednesday? what time is __ coming over?" questions. REALLY tired of it! Mostly he uses it for appointments or things that have a specific time and place.


Assignments and general schoolwork that isn't tied to a time/place (what we refer to as "homework") doesn't go in the planner. It's mostly up to him when those get done and how he keeps track of them. I have made a syllabus for each class listing all of the assignments and at least a general idea of sequences, sometimes due dates, about how much needs to be done in a week... Some outside classes are more specific and some of what we do is more vague, but that's the general idea.... And for any given week he might have a to-do list.


This year he has more outside classes than ever before, so it will be interesting to see how we work out the organization. I could see assignments going on the planner (at least due dates?), or maybe just notes on the syllabi. We also have a lot of other outside things going on, so the "scheduling stakes" are higher. If he doesn't stay on top of things, the damage will be almost immediate. (eek!)

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