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Called for jury duty two weeks after classes start....


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Although he sent in a form stating that he would be living three hours away as a full-time college student, and requesting any jury duty be scheduled for next summer, ds just got a summons to show up for jury duty two weeks after school starts!


If it isn't one thing it is another.

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My son also got a jury summons for an Oct date and he, too, will be away at school. In Massachusetts you can push your date out up to a year, which is exactly what we did. Easy as pie, all on-line. I rescheduled for June. I'm surprised Illinois doesn't have a similar system. That stinks!



Edited by Yolanda in Mass
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I guess I'm lucky. The summer before my freshman year of college I was called for jury duty which would take place during the school year. I got what I think would be termed an automatic exemption because I would be a full time college student. There are also exemptions if you are the full time caretaker for young children. I'm in TX.


There must be some way for your son to get it deferred or get out of it in this case! I hope it works out!

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Oh! I got this too, when I was in college. (My sophomore year.)


My parents called the clerk, and explained that I was out of the area attending college. They had to mail in a notarized statement, attesting to the fact that I was in a student at X college, but they deferred the jury duty until I was home on Christmas break. (In my state they had a one-week jury duty option for college students during the school year.)


Try making a call and suggestion Christmas break.

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