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I just want summer to go on and on... :glare:


I just can't get in the frame of mind to get things organized to start school. I have all my curriculum. All I need to do is get it organized and planned out.


How do you get yourself in the school mode when you would much rather still be in the *summer of mush brain* mode? :001_cool:

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I am struggling with the same problem! One thing that has helped to kick start my planning is knowing that regardless of what I would like, the summer is going to come to an end and that I can either be ready and prepared, or get caught by surprise and have to wing it! Our fall extracurriculars start in 3 weeks and the "extra" children that I babysit will start back at my house in 3-4 weeks. If I don't do my planning now, I'll get really stressed and overwhelmed before we ever get to September! LOL!

Can you try to tackle one subject of planning per day? That way it won't take all day and ruin your summer....


Hope you find your motivation soon! In fact, if you find it, could you send me a little extra too?!

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Read a book. That is what has worked for me for a couple of years. I read a book about homeschooling - like WTM, LCC, the Classical Tradition, Teach like your hair's on fire, Knowing and Teaching Elementary Math, The Great Tradition, The Well-Educated Mind, Who Killed Homer,Climbing Parnassus, The Core, How Children Fail, Dumbing Us Down, The Educated Child.


Do some teacher in-service type training or reading, then get inspired and get busy! There is a reason the teachers in os have to start weeks before the kids - they need to work out of the summer fog too.

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Well, I'm actually doing really good with the planning, organizing, etc, etc, but on the weekend before we start school we're watching Stand and Deliver. My AP teachers always made us watch it in high school. Even though our kids are still little, I thought it might be some great motivation for us (dh & me).

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I am so with you and wondering when this will end! You, at least, are a bit ahead of me. I haven't ordered ANY BOOKS AT ALL YET! Well, I take that back, last night I ordered CLE Math which is the first thing I have ordered and I am just now starting to review curriculum to decide what I want to use. I did go to Target today and pick up a filing box to start working on the filing system everyone has been talking so highly about.


I am trying real hard to get myself motivated, but, for some reason, it is so hard this year! I have been doing this for 10 years so I am ready for a permanent break! :lol:

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