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Biology before physical science?

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I need some advice. We have an opportunity to participate in an Apologia biology co-op this fall, but ds will only be an 8th grader. I was considering having him do it, and then going back and picking up Apologia physical science in 9th grade, but I am concerned how that will look on his transcript. Will colleges frown upon biology being taken in 8th grade? Or, will they not even consider it a high school level course when they see that he took physical science after biology?

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I would hesitate to take biology as an 8th grader. I believe colleges would be very suspicious not to see biology on a high school transcript and aren't going to look at anything prior to 9th grade. If your student was planning to go straight from biology to biology II, chemistry and physics, and some other advanced science, it might be OK. However, in your scenario having physical science but not biology I on the transcript may raise questions.


ETA: Just my opinion not from having high school students but from working at a college.

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Why would schools have to know that he took Biology in 8th? I think many people make transcripts showing courses without indicating the year they were taken. :)


If it's a great opportunity, I wouldn't pass it up. If you'll be doing physical science the year after anyway, you can get the book now, and use it as a reference, or even ask your son to read through the chapters that apply to biology. Depending on how science oriented he is, he may even be able to read through the physical science text and finish it within the first two or three months of school. Then he'll have some background, and can do it more thoroughly with labs, the following year.

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If I make a transcript that lists courses by subject, instead of by year, wouldn't I still need to list them in the order they were taken? So it would still show Biology coming before Physical Science, which I think gives the appearance that the Biology course was easier than a typical high school level course. Maybe I am wrong on that?


And, if he applies to a college that doesn't consider 8th grade work, then Biology would be missing from his transcript. He is not especially interested in the life sciences, so at this point in time, it is unlikely that he would take Advanced Biology. (But his interests may change).


The biology co-op is a one time opportunity for him to do his labs and dissections with a high school science teacher, in her classroom. Versus doing them in our kitchen, with his science-challenged mother. :) I am considering the co-op because I think it would be a better learning experience for him. But, I don't want to create a situation where he is seen as deficient in life sciences when he is applying to college.

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The Biology opportunity sounds good, and since it is a one-time offering, it would be hard to pass up.


What if you had him take Biology, then skip Physical Science? Physical Science is not necessary if your ds will be taking other sciences. He can still take Adv. Biology, Chemistry and Physics (or Adv. Chemistry) and meet science requirements. Then you eliminate the possibility of people questioning why he took a lower course like Physical Science after taking Biology.

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The Biology opportunity sounds good, and since it is a one-time offering, it would be hard to pass up.


What if you had him take Biology, then skip Physical Science? Physical Science is not necessary if your ds will be taking other sciences. He can still take Adv. Biology, Chemistry and Physics (or Adv. Chemistry) and meet science requirements. Then you eliminate the possibility of people questioning why he took a lower course like Physical Science after taking Biology.


:iagree: GO for it! There are lots of other science opportunities and he might just love biology after this course and want to do an AP Bio later. Physical Science is not a required science course but does give a foundation for other sciences. We didn't do a physical science course ourselves. IT wasn't a problem.

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I would think that you could list the sciences in whatever order you like. But then again - we're just starting high school this year, so someone who's BTDT would be able to give better advice. :tongue_smilie: But I still wouldn't miss out on the great opportunity. And I would be inclined to do the physical sciences as it is a great intro to physics and chemistry too.


I would be surprised if colleges question something on a transcript saying Biology w/lab. JMO but I thoroughly understand that you want to make sure. :)


Could the reason that some colleges won't accept credits for courses taken in 8th grade be because they assume that the class is taken with other 8th graders and has been changed from the rigorous course normally taught in high school? I've been wondering this lately, because to me it shouldn't matter when a course is taken as long as the student completed it, using high school level materials, and the grade given is accurate.

Edited by Teachin'Mine
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I have a 7th and 8th grader taking Biology this fall and as long as they are doing high school level work, I'm giving them credit for it and it will go on their transcript. I've made one transcript already and IMO as long as they have taken the class and it qualifies as a credit, the year it goes on the transcript is for me to decide since I'm the one making it.


From what I have read, it doesn't matter if you take Apologia Bio before Physical Science. They can be taken out of order.


Also, I've read that you can make your Apologia Class an 'Honors' class by requiring a formal lab report writing component and more in-depth study of the materials. From what I have seen, that is pretty standard in the Apologia scope and sequence anyway. HTH! :)

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If I make a transcript that lists courses by subject, instead of by year, wouldn't I still need to list them in the order they were taken? So it would still show Biology coming before Physical Science, which I think gives the appearance that the Biology course was easier than a typical high school level course. Maybe I am wrong on that?


And, if he applies to a college that doesn't consider 8th grade work, then Biology would be missing from his transcript. He is not especially interested in the life sciences, so at this point in time, it is unlikely that he would take Advanced Biology. (But his interests may change).


The biology co-op is a one time opportunity for him to do his labs and dissections with a high school science teacher, in her classroom. Versus doing them in our kitchen, with his science-challenged mother. :) I am considering the co-op because I think it would be a better learning experience for him. But, I don't want to create a situation where he is seen as deficient in life sciences when he is applying to college.


I say go for it! You're absolutely right about the transcript. I did ER's transcript by subject area rather than year, and it was never questioned by either college to which he applied.


Another point to consider: in my state, high school science in the public schools is being restructured so that Biology is taken before Physical Science, so I don't think there would be a problem there at all.

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Another point to consider: in my state, high school science in the public schools is being restructured so that Biology is taken before Physical Science, so I don't think there would be a problem there at all.


That's good to know. Thanks for telling me that. So, instead of being the oddball transcript, my son's might be viewed as cutting edge. ;)

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