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Elemental Science Biology Question


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I am a newbie, about to embark on a homeschooling adventure with my almost 8 yr old third grader. I am considering ES Biology. Does anyone know if the program can be used effectively with higher level supplemental texts? My daughter's reading ability is FAR above her grade level. (I wish I could say the same for math...:glare:) Thank you for helping.

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I bought ES this year to use with my 6 and 9 year olds. The curriculum does give suggestions for books to use if using with an older child. I think it can be done. The author of ES is on these boards, so maybe she will further respond to your question.

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I think it will be fine. I tried to use Noeo with my elder ds, who, like your dd, is a marvelous reader, but found their book selections mind-numbing. I like what I see from ES much better. Plus, even though her reading is far above level, her understanding of some concepts won't be, I imagine. :) And, as a PP mentioned, there are suggestions for "beefing up" the program included that you could use with her.

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There was a question just like this recently on the yahoo group, here's what a user responded...

The "First" encyclopedias are on the young side for my 8 and 8 y/o. We use a whole variety of books though... we don't just limit ourselves to what is in the curriculum. There are many other "Children's Encyclopedias" on the topics that you could take a look at (DK, Kingfisher, Usborne). We used one by, I believe, National Geographic for the animals (because that's what we had). You can also put in all kinds of extra books from the library. Basically, I looked at the topic for the week and brought in lots of books around that. It's flexible curriculum for sure! So nice to have a "path" to follow!


We used the program when my dd was 6 yo, so it was perfect for her. She could read the pages, but I still read them to her because we enjoy doing science together. If you have anymore questions I'm around!

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I appreciate the help. I am completely overwhelmed by the curriculum choices. I'm not sure if I'm overthinking things, or if I'm ruining my child's education! The guidance on these boards may just keep me from chickening out and re-enrolling her in school!

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Totally understand, all the choices can be overwhelming, even when you're not a newbie ;)! Just remember that you are tailoring her education to meet her where she's at, which can't be bad. Good luck on deciding what will work for your family.

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