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Has anyone gone through the AP Certification Process for a course...

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...that you are teaching yourself? I have tutored my own children and a few local students in European History and US History, and they have all done very well on the AP exams. I keep wondering if I'm doing my students a disservice, though, by *not* going through the College Board certification process so that they can list the course as "AP" on their transcripts. I just noticed that the CB is allowing teachers of certified courses access to sample exams and other resources unavailable to those of us who have not gone through the certification process.


Does anyone have experience with this process as a home-school parent? If you have gone through the process, how much work was it to jump through the CB hoops to have your own home-school course certified?



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but I do remember someone did receive approval, but I believe she said it was more trouble than it was worth. I've only received accreditation for my school, not AP, nor will I even try I think.


I'm teaching "Advanced World History" to my daughter next year and she will sit for the AP exam in May. I think (hope) it won't matter to colleges whether it's an official AP course if the AP exam grade is listed next to the course grade.


As always, just my $.02.

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My dd takes a pre-AP lit class from a former private school AP teacher who now teaches independent AP english classes and has for several years. Her students do very well on the exams as a whole.


This last year, she could not get *anywhere* with the CollegeBoard. She pursued and pursued this, as it is her livelihood. (She has between 50 and 60 students.) The end result was that all this year's students will not be able to list AP courses on their transcript. The CB plain and simple did not have any kind of mechanism in place to accredit individual teachers who are not part of an institution. She was told that they would try to have something pulled together in time for this next year (2008-2009.)


She has had a very rough year with parent care issues, so I don't know if she has been able to pursue it with the CB.

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