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Anyone else loose their brain during/after pregnancy?

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Dh & I still laugh about the time I couldn't think of "vacuum cleaner". I asked him to get the "thing" out of the closet. When he wanted to know which "thing" I meant, I stumbled and stuttered for a minute and then said, "The thing that sucks the dirt off the floor." :lol:


:iagree:This has absolutely happened to me since #3 was born a year ago. I was making a shopping list and couldn't think of the name for (what I later remembered was) laundry detergent. So I wrote "clothes washing machine soap." And sometimes I just can't think of a word in the middle of a sentence, so I spend a lot of time staring into space while my dh and dd's suppress their laughter. Or sometimes they don't. :lol:

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You spelled "lose" as "loose" in your title :lol::lol::lol: I am totally not pointing this out to be rude at all, I spell EVERYTHING wrong and I type even worse. Almost all of my posts are edited because of typos. I just giggled like crazy when I read it :D



:D See what I mean! I read that title more than once before posting and I never even caught it!! :) I have given up on being even slightly intelligent sounding. There is no hope for me right now.


:D Glad I'm not the only one whose spelling powers went out the window!

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:iagree:This has absolutely happened to me since #3 was born a year ago. I was making a shopping list and couldn't think of the name for (what I later remembered was) laundry detergent. So I wrote "clothes washing machine soap." And sometimes I just can't think of a word in the middle of a sentence, so I spend a lot of time staring into space while my dh and dd's suppress their laughter. Or sometimes they don't. :lol:


The other night I was talking to dh and I kept trying to tell him about that "thing", ya know that one that ummm.....umm.....goes around, uh, it spins, ummm the, the, the,....


He finally said "The fan?" BINGO thats it! :) The fan. It was very funny but I felt so dumb I couldn't think of the word "fan".

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Am I the only one who gave away her intelligence for the sake of her offspring? ;)


NOPE! Here's my latest example:

My car was getting repainted and I didn't know whether or not I was going to pick it up at night (when they are closed) or the next morning so I told them to lock the keys in the car just in case. We ended up picking it up the next morning so my pregnant brain thought: I don't need to bring a spare key b/c they are open now...We were almost there (45 min away) when I realized, just b/c they are open does not mean my key is not still locked in there! So, we called AAA and I waited 45 min. in the waiting room w/my 3 kids who had not had breakfast yet :( The AAA guy got there and I went out to meet up with him. While I was walking out there I realized, "I have a key fab! I don't need a key to get in my car!" So I thanked the AAA guy and felt bad the rest of the day for making my kids sit for 45 min w/o food for NOTHING :(

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OK, I'm SO glad to read this thread!!! I so badly want to believe that the following from crstarlette is right:


I tend to think that we mom's have so much more to deal with that more things are bound to slip. Like, if I'm trying to balance just 3 boxes I may be able to walk a tightrope and reach the end still carrying them all, but if I'm carrying 15 I'm bound to drop a couple. Despite the 2 I dropped, I'm still carrying 10 more than before. Go me!


Yet, I just had to email my boss to ask her if she somehow remotely changed my email signature because I DON'T REMEMBER DOING IT! I was fiddling with it but I couldn't settle on an appropriate title (I'm only freelancing now). Apparently I did settle, because I noticed today that it's changed :confused:


I have the noun retrieval issue, the inability to speak confidently on any subject...it even impairs my posting here! I feel like I can barely string two coherent sentences together. It's very sad. I took my fish oil and D last night and I'm going to keep taking them in the hope that my brain can begin to repair itself. In the meantime, I'm just going to keep reminding myself that I'm carrying a LOT of boxes these days *sigh* Thank goodness I'm not alone.

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