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I finally found a flaw in Letter Factory!

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I love this DVD. It has taught the letter names and sounds to my four youngest boys quickly, easily, and painlessly.


However, I was working on blending letters with my ds4 today. He is incapable of making the "h" sound without sticking his tongue out like he's panting and half-closing his eyes like he's about to pass out (you know, for h-h-hot) :lol:.


I supposed I can overlook this since he sounded the word fan out today. I don't think he quite knows how he did it yet, but he's getting close. We'll be avoiding all "h" words, though :tongue_smilie:.

Edited by JudoMom
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However, I was working on blending letters with my ds4 today. He is incapable of making the "h" sound without sticking his tongue out like he's panting and half-closing his eyes like he's about to pass out (you know, for h-h-hot) :lol:.




That's cute! I haven't run into this problem yet. Owen isn't interested in the letter H at this time.

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So funny! My ds3 does the same thing....he doesn't know the names of the letters yet, but knows all the sounds, complete with actions like tongue out for "H" and jumping up for "j", etc. That's so cute!


And I agree...I love that whole series. It has taught two and a half to read so far! obviously working on #3! :001_smile:

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:lol: Too funny!


We have issues here with the short o sound since on the DVD it has two syllables with an emphasis on the second (an aww-AWWW kind of sound). The h pant doesn't bother me as much, but put it with the o in the word hot...well, you can imagine ("pant, awww-AWWW, t" wasn't quite was I was going for).


That said, I LOVE the Letter Factory! :D

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My only problem with those is that they only teach one vowel sound. It took me **weeks** to convince my ds that vowels could make more than one sound!


That's the way I teach it anyway; I think it's too confusing to teach more than one sound per letter at first. Then once they're reading CVC, I add the other sounds for C, A, E, etc.


Teaching letters is the most painful part of parenting, imo. I'm SO impatient w/ the preschool stuff. Ds was bad enough, but then dd wanted the letters to *talk* to her. I did teach them both to read (by 3), but I've been dreading it for my current 3yo.


We got Letter Factory after Bill rec'd it, & 3yo now knows all of her letters + sounds + animated body language, lol. I'm *thrilled* and getting to spend more time teaching pioneers instead. :lol:

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