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Any secular or progressive Christian users of Classical Conversations?

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I am interested in Classical Conversations for ds as a supplement and way to network with other homeschoolers. I am looking for feedback on it:001_smile:


Is Classical Conversations compatible with secular users or progressive Christians or Unitarian Universalists?


Does the curricula contain a heavy emphasis on hell and brimstone and sin? Does it subscribe to a particular doctrine or is it compatible with other doctrines?


I appreciate any help:)

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There is no doctrine. The closest we get is reciting or translating Scripture passages (like 2 of them in all 3 cycles), memorizing the 10 commandments (not discussing them, just memorizing them), and memorizing the titles of the Veritas Press cards (which include biblical history facts). Your director is required to sign a statement of faith stating certain essentials of their faith, the tutors are required to acknowledge the statement of faith and support it. Participating families are not required to sign anything regarding their faith, just to understand that it is a Christian community group.


Can you go to an information meeting? You'd have a chance to ask your director personally, her reaction to your questions and being able to see the memory work would help you make your decision. While the structure is the same, personalities make a big difference in each group.

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I agree with the pp. CC s a Christian program, however there is little discussion of doctrine in the Foundtions program. There will be prayer in the opening session each week, and the memory work does contain some scripture references. As the pp mentioned, there is some Bible memory work. Anyone is welcome to join. Go to their website, click on your state and see if there are any information meetings. The flavor of each group definitely varies. HTH

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I went to an information meeting when ds was going into 6th or 7th, so he would have been in the junior high class. I really disliked many of their curriculum choices: Apologia Biology, It Just Couldn't Happen , Don't Check Your Brains at the Door are nowhere near secular. Saxon and Latin's Not So Tough are secular (I think), but yuck.


However, it doesn't look so bad at the earlier levels. I second the suggestions to go to an informational meeting and ask.

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I asked something similar a while back. I got one not-so-encouraging response about how some secular families couldn't hang or something. :glare: lol It was just one of many, but apparently some people find it to be "too religious".


that was probably from me, because we had a secular family drop out of our group because it was "too Christian." because we are Christian, I can see the doctrine everywhere, and draw it out and teach it to my kids. I suppose if you are not Christian, you could ignore it, but apparently this family thought it a bit irritating.

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I agree with VA6336.


Just keep in my mind it is Christian. It's mission is "The purpose of education is to know God and to make Him known." It's model is "CC combines classical learning and a biblical worldview." These are from the CC site.


That said, I would think a secular family may benefit from the community. But it is very subjective depending on the family's boundaries and the community they would be a part of in their location. The Christian material is pretty general, but it is present and a part of memory work. Most other families would be Christian and discuss their faith. There is prayer and at our group they do a pledge to the Bible.


As others have suggested, attend an information meeting or open house and speak with the director and members of your community to gte a better feel. You may start by just e-mailing the director and asking questions.

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My suggestion is to go to a mtg and see how it feels to you. I know that there are all types of "religions" and "nots" that go to CC across the US... If it doesn't work for your family, you could join with 3 other families and do it informally. You could get tons of help on these boards about how that may look...



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Glad you're interested in Classical Conversations!


Participating in Classical Conversations is a great way to network with other homeschoolers, especially if a Classical Christian model of education appeals to you. We've made some WONDERFUL friends through CC. I don't think Classical Conversations turns away those who have differing beliefs than theirs, but they do make it clear that it is a Christian community. All of the tutors are asked to read and agree to a basic non-denominational statement of beliefs. This ensurese that those leading the classes are Christians.


Some of the Christian parts of the Foundations program are:


  • morning prayer
  • pledge to the flag & Bible
  • Memorization of Scripture
  • Memorization of Biblical events

During the Challenge program (for middle schoolers and high schoolers), students spend time reading a fair amount of Christian materials, and discussing things from a Christian worldview. Students are certainly NOT told what to believe, but are encouraged to share their opinions and beliefs during discussion time or in their writing assignments.


There is not an emphasis on hell and brimstone or sin, but more on Scripture. For example, the class might be asked a quesiton like, "What does the Bible say about XYZ?" Classical Conversations believes that teaching about faith/beliefs should be done by the parents. CC simply ensures parents that a Christian atmosphere will be provided for all of their classes/programs.


Do consider attending an Info Meeting or talking with the local director about your questions/concerns.



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