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Anyone here have ichthyosis?

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I have chronic SEVERE psoriasis--and currently I am off 'treatment' due to needing vaccinations for a trip to Africa this summer. I hope to go back on treatment to reduce the severity before I go--not a good place to be with open wounds.


We have friends from college who have a young dd who has ichthyosis. I'm sorry your family is going through this too. We are praying that there will be medical breakthroughs very soon for this and other chronic conditions.




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We aren't dealing with ichthyosis, but with another rare and severe skin disorder. My DS6 has ectodermal dysplasia, and my twins (his full bio sibs) are carriers. Thank goodness they don't have it as well...it's wickedly expensive to treat and not covered by insurance.


Prayers and hugs to your family,

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I have chronic SEVERE psoriasis


Sorry to hear that. I hope you can get your skin healed before your trip!


We have friends from college who have a young dd who has ichthyosis. I'm sorry your family is going through this too. We are praying that there will be medical breakthroughs very soon for this and other chronic conditions.


Thankfully my boys have x-linked ichthyosis--one of the milder forms. When my dad was a kid, there were no special lotions for him to use, so it really affected his quality of life. However now there are so many great lotions out there that it is more of a slight cosmetic nuisance for my boys than a real problem like it was for my dad.

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We aren't dealing with ichthyosis, but with another rare and severe skin disorder. My DS6 has ectodermal dysplasia, and my twins (his full bio sibs) are carriers. Thank goodness they don't have it as well...it's wickedly expensive to treat and not covered by insurance.


Prayers and hugs to your family,


I had never heard of ectodermal dysplasia, so I had to look it up. ((hugs)) Why doesn't insurance cover treatment? That seems so bizarre!


Speaking of being carriers, as much as I'd love to have granddaughters one day, I'm hoping my boys all have boys so that x-linked ichthyosis will come to a halt in my family.


((hugs again))

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