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Is this too much for 8 yr. old boy...

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We are into our 2nd month of using bju video lessons. He really tries to have good attitude and the work seems appropriate. But after Reading, English, Handwriting, Spelling, Math, Bible, and then either Science or Heritage Studies, he is pretty pooped out. Then he still needs to read for a bit independently or aloud to me and piano practice. Is this too much? I wonder if I should cut some out. The Spelling includes journaling once a week. Then correction of that. Would this be good to cut. Also, at the end of most Science lesson there is a journaling. He can write his own or copy the video teacher's. This seems to be a bit time consuming. This seems to be another place to cut. But then I wonder, does he need this extra writing beyond the writing that takes place in English? Ok, I'll quite rambling now. I think I needed to just write this out? Any thoughts or advise out there? Thank you.

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He's only 8, so I would be concerned with burn-out if he does too much. He needs to have time to play and read for fun, explore outside, get lots of books from the library and just read all day now and then. That instills a love of learning before they have to hit the books seriously.


This has been my experience--all 4 of my kids are ages ten and up now.



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I have a DS, 7-1/2 years old, who has been doing piano for a year and a half. I also found that piano was a struggle after a morning of schoolwork - and my DS did NOT have a good attitude about it at that point. What has worked really well lately, though, is doing a couple of academic subjects first (for us it's grammar, writing, spelling), then an "active" break (toss a ball, run up and down the sidewalk), then piano, then the rest of academics (math). Working piano in earlier has been great.


Oh, and I have been informed that science and history are NOT schoolwork, they are just fun things we do in the afternoon.:)


Learning an instrument is an important educational goal in our family, but I know I have had to work hard to make sure it gets the same priority as other subjects. It's way to easy for me to get the "3 Rs" done and let all the rest slide, especially on days when my DS is not cooperating.



2 DS (almost 5 and 7-1/2)

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If he were in a christian school using BJU materials, he'd be doing all those things, meaning that in general, for a population of kids that age, it's perfectly reasonable. That doesn't mean a video is the most thrilling way to get there. You're also losing the effect of the BREAKS you get between those subjects in school. I'd turn off the video for a couple of them and teach them yourself to give him variety. I wouldn't drop any of the writing assignments, because they are important. I'd insert some serious wiggle breaks in-between each subject and make sure he's getting proper snacks. For instance, start the day with piano practice and then his favorite subject. Then sing together, have a read aloud, or do some calisthenics (planned stretches). Then do his least favorite subject and have a snack with a run around the house or walking a pet (cat on a leash?). Then do a tolerated subject and have lunch. PE/recess for a good long time. Then come back and do handwriting and reading.


In the BJU schools they have the students doing all the writing you see in the video assignments AND other things as well (activity sheets, math books where they count to 100 daily in 1st grade, etc.). It's not an unreasonable amount across the board, but you have to do it in spurts and take lots of breaks, give lots of snacks.

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How long are the lessons? Can you break them up? Let your DS choose the order in which he does them? My 8yo does Handwriting, Spelling, English, Latin, Math, Science, History, and Reading daily. On top of this work he also has to practice his flute and do 1 hour of independent reading (usually done at night.) We usually do 3-4 subjects in the morning and then take lunch. During lunch we watch a Magic School Bus episode I have previously Tivo'd or an educational video. Following lunch we do the remaining subjects. Once we are finished we take a long break until dinner time. When I start making dinner my DS practices flute. After bathtime we complete our day with independent reading. I don't think what you are doing is too much work but maybe you just need to break it up a little or add a twist in order to make it work for your family.

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I was going to suggest the same, Christina...I have a 13 yos, and I'd use a completely different curriculum if I were choosing for my learning style, but he loves and thrives what we use as a base (Trisms)...I'd prefer something more hands-on, like MFW or WinterPromise, myself...<sigh> I think we need to follow our children's leads, to a certain extent. My son, in 7th grade, studied zoology--both of the Apologia books during the year--he loved it.

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i found all of your responses very helpful...I think I probably will take some of the classes and do them myself....that will cut down and I really don't think we will lose much content....The videos really do seem to be fairly rich and he does like them but at the end of the day it is a bit much to do all of it....I decided to do this to help ease the burden of teaching 3. Some days I just felt I couldn't get it all done. It is been helpful in many ways. One of my problems with just about everything is I always think I have to do everything to the letter, kwim? I'm kinda an all or none sort of person. gotta let this go a bit. thanks



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