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What does your daily lesson plans look like for AAS?


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I'm using AAS for my 3rd and 1st grader. We have been moving quickly through the lower levels, but I'm now ready to slow down. What does your daily plans look like with AAS? What do you do on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc.?

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We did:

At the beginning of a step I would go through the big stack of yellow cards and the red cards, finding the ones that were missed. Then the blue cards with the rules on them. Then I would do the teaching of the step. Done for the day.


Next day, I would review the red and yellow cards. Do the blue cards. Review the teaching for the step. Do the words with the numbers on them. Done for the day.


Next day, review red and yellow cards. Do blue cards. Do any of the numbered words that were missed from before. Do the Reinforcement Words. (At most 15 words, if there are more than that I would break it into multiple days.) Done for the day.


Next day, review red and yellow cards. Do blue cards. Do any Reinforcement words that were missed the day before. Do the dictation sentences. (At most 6 sentences, if there are more than that I would break it into multiple days.) Assuming he got the sentences correct. I would hand him the sticker page and let him put a sticker on and be done. If not, the next day he would do those sentences again the next day and hopefully get his sticker on that day.


Then repeat for the next step. We didn't follow a day of the week type of schedule more of a part of the step type of schedule. I hope that helps.

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It took about 20 minutes.


The one thing we usually skipped was the tiles. My son hated sorting the tiles and putting them in line. He didn't like the tiles for the teaching step either so I usually wrote with dry erase markers on the white board instead.

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I spend 15 minutes with my 11 yo and about 20 with my 13 yo (though I may bump that up a bit this year--trying to move him through more quickly!). For the first few minutes we do whatever cards are in the daily review stack. On Mondays I usually review some of the mastered cards (I pick one color card & review them, my kids need lots of ongoing review).


After review, I go right into the lesson, and pick up wherever we left off last. Usually we use about a day for teaching, a day for the main 10 words and some dictation, a day for reinforcement words and the remaining dictation, and a day for the writing station (starts mid-level 3).


Earlier levels will go faster--if you are doing level 1 remedially, you might get through a step per day because you don't have to make them spell words they have already memorized--you just want to teach the concept and make sure they understand and can demonstrate it back to you. Level two, most steps took us 2 or 3 days for my oldest, my youngest sometimes took 4-5 days. Level 3, more often 3 days, Level 4 has been 3-4 days usually. My oldest is about to start Level 5.


HTH some! Merry :-)

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Mondays are generally the first page of the step.

Tuesdays are for the second (possibly the 3rd also) page of the step

Wednesdays are for dictation sentences

Thursdays are writing station

Fridays spelling test


It generally runs about 15 minutes M-Th and 5 minutes on Fridays.

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Mondays are generally the first page of the step.

Tuesdays are for the second (possibly the 3rd also) page of the step

Wednesdays are for dictation sentences

Thursdays are writing station

Fridays spelling test



What is writing station? Thanks! I think this idea is the easiest for me. We do only a 4 day week, so I may just have to think of the days as day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4 and not worry about whether it is on Monday, Tuesday, etc. Thanks.

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What is writing station?


The Writing Station is where kids write sentences with 5 or 6 of the spelling words they have been working on. Often the words relate to each other and will lend themselves to a story concept (sometimes my kids try to make up a short story with them, other times they just write sentences). They can write as many or as few sentences as they want (my son likes to try to use all of the words in only one or two sentences, it's a good challenge for him!). It's another step forward in encouraging kids to use their spelling skills in real-world situations--kind of a bridge between dictation and writing outside of spelling as a subject. It's been a great tool to help my kids with their writing.


Merry :-)

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I'm amazed by my own answer. I'm am usually a HUGE planner but when it comes to AAS, I'm not. Weird.


I pick up the book daily and we work through a lesson for 20 minutes. I place a sticky note where ever we stopped. Then we pick it up the next day. We managed to get through level 1 in one semester this way.


Seems to be working well and it makes sure I don't give him too much in one sitting.

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What is writing station? Thanks! I think this idea is the easiest for me. We do only a 4 day week, so I may just have to think of the days as day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4 and not worry about whether it is on Monday, Tuesday, etc. Thanks.

I think it starts in book 3. There is a group of words that are related and the student has to write a sentence or short paragraph using the words. For example, page 79 of book 3 has the words rainy dripping ponds melting quickly as the words to use.

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