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Good "on the road" school activities?

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We're traveling quite a bit over the next month (3 weeks out of 5), and my DD has asked me if we can bring school with us. I'd rather not bring anything too heavy or involved (I'd planned on just calling this vacation), but if she wants to do school, I don't want to say no.


So, here's what I've pulled together


A couple of practice workbooks from the Target $1 section

Ipod with a couple of math practice games, the Lang Fairy Books, and some of the CDs that fit our curricula, like Song School Latin and Geography songs

A writing practice pad for copywork

Books to read

A spiral notebook to draw/write in

Pencils, crayons, and a new pack of markers


Anything else I'm forgetting that would work well?

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If you will be driving long distances, what about audio books? My girls LOVE them. Also, if you can stand having loose crayons in your car, give her a clipboard, blank paper (or a notebook), and some crayons (we use a pencil case to hold them). Then you can tell her that she can keep a "trip journal". She can draw (or write things if she can already read/write) about things she observes. If she cannot write about her observations then she can dictate things to you when you get there. Another thing you can do that doesn't take up any room would be to get some "BrainQuest" cards. We have a bunch of different ones. They come in all sorts of levels (preschool on up). They are not loose cards but rather are the flip type so they won't be floating all over the place. The girls enjoy them very much. If she can not read independently yet, it would be a quick basic activity that you could do wherever you are. They are very portable. Hope that helps and have a great trip!






ETA oops..guess I should have looked at what you were already bringing more closely!

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One year I made a vacation booklet to take along that was a hit. Each day had a general map of where we'd be traveling, and some blank space for recording what we did each day. I also included things like pictures of family members my children didn't remember and some info about some of the sites we would be seeing.

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