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MUS Beta question

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Do I need the TM & DVD for the Beta level? I had a friend tell me that she didn't use the TM or DVD and did just fine. So, what are your opinios/thoughts on this? I don't want to buy something I could easily do without. But at the same time, if it is needed I don't want to find that out after I put my order in KWIM? Thanks so much...

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I think it depends on whether you've used other MUS levels. When I was using MUS, I began with one of my kidlets in Beta. When the younger kids came up through it, I never looked at the Primer or Alpha DVD's because I already knew the methodology. If you are just starting with Beta, I wouldn't skip the DVD's and TM. If you've taught Alpha, maybe, though Beta has additional items than Alpha so I'm not sure I would skip it even then. My kids always watched the DVD with me before doing the lesson. They enjoyed Mr. Demme at that age.

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My girls love watching the DVD with me. I struggle to explain math concepts, however easy, at times. The dvd has come in handy, we re-watch the lesson when she gets stuck. I also use the TM with almost every lesson. If my dd is just not understanding something I pull that out for ideas or we watch the dvd again. I would recommend both.

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I am going to find out if they don't send me my Backordered TM soon. It had been weeks since they sent the DVD and workbook.



Oh, now your scaring me. We are planning to start school August 2nd & I haven't even ordered my books yet....it sounds like maybe math will have to be started late.

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I never found the TM to be very helpful, but we always used the DVDs. It is important to teach regrouping the MUS way to get the most out of the program and I don't think I would have known how to do this without the DVD.

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