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VP cards - do you need the Teachers Manual for CC?


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Hi there,


We are starting classical conversatison in the fall. I cant seem to find anywhere what is in the Teachers Manuals or on the CDS. Can someone help me? I just want to know if I should buy them?





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The enhanced CD-rom is the digital version of the teachers manual plus the memory songs (Its a data CD for your computer). The audio CD is memory songs only (it plays in a CD player). However, CC does the VP cards in a slightly different order than VP does, so the memory song would mess you up I think. You do not "need" the VP manual, but if you have the $ to spend it might be nice. I didn't miss it when we did CC.


The manual is a teacher's guide for executing the VP history program. CC uses the VP cards for their timeline, but VP has an entire history curriculum with the cards as the core, so the manual is teacher notes, lesson plans, worksheets, projects, etc. If you go to the Veritas website, or Rainbow Resource, you can look at samples.

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For CC, you just need the VP Timeline cards not the VP materials to go along with the cards. If you want more information, you could buy their materials but it's not needed for CC. We use the cards to memorize 8 cards each week during new memory work time. Hope that helps!

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No, I mean enhanced CD ROM that Veritas Press sells. CC sells their own Memory Work Resource CD that is completely separate that is just CC material (although it probably includes the VP card titles, I don't know because I haven't personally used it). Veritas Press is a totally independent company from CC. CC happens to use the VP history cards, but that is the extent of the overlap. The CC audio CD does not include the VP card audio song. If you go to the Veritas Press website, it should make it more clear.


You really just need the VP cards. Save your $ for other things if you're just getting them for CC and don't bother with the teachers manual; you don't need the teacher manual or the VP audio CD. The CC audio CD which has all the other memory work on it is well worth it if your family is a singing type of family.

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The CC CDs don't contain a song for the VP cards, but the VP CDs contain the sets individually. VP has not authorized CC or anyone else to record all the titles in a song, as the card titles belong to them. In CC, you chant the VP cards. Once you buy the full set of VP cards, your Director can give you a list of the order that CC uses them in, which includes titles. The numbers of the cards (not the titles) are in the CC Foundations Manual.


VP has manuals and CDs (or the enhanced CD, which has both) for each set of cards.


CC has the Foundations Manual, which includes all the memory work. CC also has Memory Work CDs, which has visuals for the memory work. CC also has CDs with songs/chants for all the memory work (except the VP cards.)

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