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For those who use alternative/holistic therapies

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I have been in contact with a woman for a while as we are in the process of wholesaling our products together. During one of our last meetings she mentioned she and a friend of hers would like to give me a Reiki energy healing session. I was very skeptical as I had never heard of this prior and did a ton of research on it before she came to my house for the energy healing. I am wondering if I can get some information from anyone who has had Reiki energy healings or actually does the healings. Both ladies prayed over me prior to the healing and explained to my daughter and son who wanted to watch that they are just vessels God uses in the healings. We are Christians and it was very calming to me that she based her abilities on God and not on herself. (She is also a Christian.) Her insight was pretty much dead on. I have a complete peace since it was done, but have a nagging doubt (which could be just me). Anyone interested in sharing their experience or resources on Reiki? I would greatly appreciate it as I am all about doing as much resource as possible. Thanks!

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I have recieved the attunements and have used Reiki on myself, family members and pets. I believe that it has been very helpful for me and for one of our pets. In most cases, Reiki has been one of multiple approaches so I cannot say for certain that it was the sole reason for improvement. The most dramatic experience was with our oldest dachshund dog. At the time he was 7 years old and very athletic. He blew out a disc in his back and was completely paralyzed. His prognosis was pretty much worst case scenario. He had surgery and started physical therapy. The veterinary physical therapist did not expect much improvement and was working on building up his chest and foreleg muscles so that he could use a cart(dog wheelchair). However, by the time that the cart was ready, he was beginning to be able to walk a little again. It has been several years and he still does not walk completely normally or have much feeling in his legs and back end but he can walk without assistance even down steps. He has even started wagging his tail again.


Personally, I have gone for about 8 years without a recurrence of ovarian cysts.

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I have received reiki and received attunements and completed reiki level 1. One of my best friends is a reiki practitioner & teacher. I don't think its a miracle cure for anything but I think it can helpful to get your body in a great place to heal. I have received it along side EFT. It is deeply relaxing even if you don't believe it will cure you its a great opportunity for time out. I use reiki on my my family, plants and animals. I definitely feel something when giving and receiving reiki


I think there are different approaches to Reiki and my friend always receives a lot of flak from other practitioners for her take on it.


I don't think its something that is understood yet at all but I think there is something there. For me and for my friend its not religious as such though more about a universal all pervading energy that we can tap into and it sort of helps to get your energies flowing properly and as a result helps healing. She is much more eloquent than me in explaining it but thats how I understand it.

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I am a Reiki practitioner and do Reiki attunements and healings, usually via distance. I'm not a Reiki purist by any stretch as I have my own spin on energy healing, but I am familiar with the foundational teachings. What is it you'd like to know? Do you have specific questions?


If you visit Reiki.org you'll see lots of articles that describe Reiki in great detail. Here's one that answers the question 'What is Reiki?' Perhaps it will help provide you with the information you're looking for. :)

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If you visit Reiki.org you'll see lots of articles that describe Reiki in great detail. Here's one that answers the question 'What is Reiki?' Perhaps it will help provide you with the information you're looking for. :)



Thank you so much for this site. It really helped answer some questions. I am trying to determine if this is truly something from God or if it is something that contradicts my belief system. I do believe in the spiritual gift of healing and am looking to be able to make the discernment of this practice. I will say I felt a great relief and that a wall had been lifted off of my shoulders once it was over. They were able to address many things that I had never mentioned to them prior to the healing.

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Thank you so much for the links. I have been reading over the site and have had many of my questions answered. I am in awe from reading the testimonies on there and how much they relate to me. I am in the process of finishing school to be an esthetician and my dh and I are considering opening an organic/all natural day spa. My friend that introduced me to Reiki is wanting to rent space for energy healings if we go that route. This has really given me a lot of information to digest and go through with my dh.

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