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Consequences of pushing ds ahead in K-1st. Remediation help for 5th-6th grade.

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I let my DS zip through at his pace, knowing that at some point, that pace will change and likely be slower. It's all good! Take him where he is at the time and don't second guess yourself. If the pace was fine when he was younger, you did the right thing. :001_smile:


My friend loves the Key to books for shoring up fractions, decimals, and percents.

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If you think it is a maturity issue, at least in part, I wouldn't recommend Lial's BCM. It is written for college students and the examples and story problems aren't at all relevant at age 10 (interest, car loans, rent, buying a house, etc).


Key to.... books would be great. They break it down step by step, and don't have grade levels on the front. He will think they are to easy. It's deceptive. (Dd went on and on about how easy they were, but how hard the exact same problem was when she saw it in an old Dolciani 8th grade math book.)


Zaccaro's books would be more out of the box:




Another idea is to have him do timed worksheets every day. These don't have to be just for math facts. You can make them for fractions, decimals, percents, etc too.


Math Games (with Dice and Cards). There are lots on the Internet. I have a book called Radical Math, but there are only a few games for elementary math in it.

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My youngest is working through these right now. She is working in Key to Fractions, Decimals, and Percents all at the same time. I set it up so she rotates through the workbooks. I actually had her working in Key to Algebra as well until she hit a wall in the 2nd book. My dd finished the Fractions series back in May.


This is what her schedule looked like at first:

Monday: 5 minutes fractions, 25 minutes percents

Tuesday: 5 minutes decimals, 25 minutes algebra

Wednesday: 5 minutes percents, 25 minutes fractions

Thursday: 5 minutes algebra, 25 minutes decimals

Friday: 5 minutes decimals, 25 minutes fractions


When I dropped Key to Algebra (which wasn't until May), I replaced all the algebra slots in the schedule above with fractions.


My dd is in the 2nd or 3rd decimal book and the 3rd percent book.

She will probably finish all the books by October. She started in February.

It is most definitely possible to do all the fractions, decimals, and percents books in one year.


I would recommend doing a mix of the books rather than working through the series one at a time. Do something like Fractions on M/Th, Decimals on Tu/F, and Percents on W.


I added in a separate 5 minute math time because it helped my dd to see every topic come up at least 2x/week.

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My youngest is working through these right now. She is working in Key to Fractions, Decimals, and Percents all at the same time. I set it up so she rotates through the workbooks. I actually had her working in Key to Algebra as well until she hit a wall in the 2nd book. My dd finished the Fractions series back in May.


This is what her schedule looked like at first:

Monday: 5 minutes fractions, 25 minutes percents

Tuesday: 5 minutes decimals, 25 minutes algebra

Wednesday: 5 minutes percents, 25 minutes fractions

Thursday: 5 minutes algebra, 25 minutes decimals

Friday: 5 minutes decimals, 25 minutes fractions


When I dropped Key to Algebra (which wasn't until May), I replaced all the algebra slots in the schedule above with fractions.


My dd is in the 2nd or 3rd decimal book and the 3rd percent book.

She will probably finish all the books by October. She started in February.

It is most definitely possible to do all the fractions, decimals, and percents books in one year.


I would recommend doing a mix of the books rather than working through the series one at a time. Do something like Fractions on M/Th, Decimals on Tu/F, and Percents on W.


I added in a separate 5 minute math time because it helped my dd to see every topic come up at least 2x/week.



Thanks, Angie! This is very helpful.

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