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bought Shurley-should I change to Rod and Staff


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I tried to go to bed at a record early hour of 10:30 this summer( up til 2 every night trying to get next year planned as many of you are:) when I was seized with the thought that Shurley Grammar may not be rigorous enough for DD8 who loves to write.


I homeschool one child a year and had one of my twin boys who are not lovers of writing the past two years; therefore I used a less intense grammar program(forgot the name). DD8 will be with me this year and then will return to a classical Christian school next year. I want this 3rd grade year to really get her off to a strong start on formal writing so that she can return to school as a confident writer next year .


I plan to use IEW, SWR and bought Shurley Grammar 3. Is Shurley as strong as R&S? Is it overkill to do IEW SWR and R&S? Is it clear which assignments in R&S are writing and do you just skip those if you do IEW or another writing program?


Thanks for advice to this tired Mom who took Benedryl before I wrote this email:)



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Well what are they going to do in the school when she returns for 4th?? If they're using Shurley, then she'll be fine. Just depends on what she'll be going into. The flavors are definitely different.


In the end, it doesn't matter. School curriculum starts over at the beginning, every single year, to accomodate differences in where the students are coming from.

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Thanks for the responses. I think I will stick with Shurley. OhElizabeth made a good point. They will be using Shurley next year at school. I read somewhere about diagramming workbooks. Does anyone know what those are called?





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Can I ask- How is Shurly Grammar helpful for language studies?


Shurley classifies similar to Latin For Children. The classical school my daughters attended use both Shurley and LFC in tandem.


Although we aren't at the classical school anymore, I plan to stick with elements of Shurley. My girls love the jingles and the question/answer flow. I love the scripted TM. :)

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