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I'm confused about Winter Promise.


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I just am not getting a handle on what this curriculum includes. I was interested in the Animal Unit for hmmm, I think it was 3-6 graders. Exactly what does the manual include? Is it broken down into days with assignments for each day? Is it broken down into weeks? also, what are some typical Winter Promise activities/assignments included in this unit, or any unit, really.


Has anybody tried the Chess unit?



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I assume your talking about "Animals and Their Worlds", right?


It is a complete literature based/science unit study for a year. The teacher's guide does give day to day lesson plans, reading assignments, projects, and workbook pages. There are also read-alouds and websites given for each week.


I am using AW for my science program with my 4th grader this year. I'm combining it with American Story 1 for my history. I originally tried AW when my son was kindergarten age, and it was too advanced for a 5 year old. I also didn't like their read alouds. Now, they have changed the entire program and really beefed it up. They replaced the read alouds and added so many wonderful, hands-on activities. I'm so excited to use it with my son!


Here is the link to some sample pages from the AW teacher's guide. Feel free to ask more questions if this doesn't answer all of them.




Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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There is also a science only program offered for Animal Habitats, grades 3-6. The sample for its guide is here:




It is a twice weekly schedule instead of 4 days per week. It does not include Bible and Literature, or crafts. It's just science.


Typically, WP programs take 45 min to 90 minutes each day depending on how many activities you choose to do. The day can vary dramatically depending on your family's decisions for those activities. (I am sure we're going to spend closer to two hours on our Adventures in the Sea and Sky, but it's BOTH science and history with Bible, Literature and Activities).


The chess program *is* good. My son enjoyed the parts we did thoroughly.

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Thanks so much for the info and feedback! Now I'm torn! I bought NOEO Biology Level II, but I love the looks of the WP animal study for 3-6 graders. Plus, and this is a HUGE plus, today my ds came home from a camp field trip to a wildlife park TOTALLY brimming with excitement about all the animals! Now, this is a kid who "hates" school. Actually, "hates" is probably too strong. He just shows no interest in learning. So, I feel like her's my chance! Animals are something he would love to study. I just asked him if he'd like to study animals in science next year and he got VERY excited. This is a first for him. so, I guess I either sell, or fit in the relevant parts of NOEO and buy WP Science.


Just when I had next year's science ready to roll...:lol:


I do have another question. Is everything notebooking? Or are there other activities as well. Work sheets? Experiments? Hand on stuff?




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Yes, yes and yes. There are all of those to choose from. Some days you will do notebooking, some days worksheets, some days hands-on experiments. There is lots of observation and recording/drawing what you see. You choose a tree to observe through the year and there are pages for your child to put a photo or make a drawing as well as attach leaf samples, bark rubbings, etc. It is PACKED with things to do. I've been having a blast planning it all out for my son!


Diane W.

married for 22 years

homeschooling 3 kiddos for 16 years

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