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Head Lice!!??? HELP

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I've never had to deal with head lice in 20 years of kids--Ack!


I just discovered that DD7, with long blond hair, has lice. Now what do I do??? Besides trying to get it off her scalp, what about my house and car and what else??? Now my head itches!!!


Thanks :confused:

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I hit the send button too soon. I'm sorry. Lice is a real pain and long blonde hair is the most time consuming. You have to pick a treatment and then comb out the nits which are pretty much the color of her hair. Take a look at MarannNova and get back to us for more questions. Or get out of town. lol alone

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You will need to do the treatment twice as well. And wash all covers, sheets etc. You can put stuffed animals and certain toys in a trash bag, I think for 30 days. You can also pick the knats out by hand. It is time consuming and will take time. We did this with my cousin who had blond hair to her waist. We took turns and also did the flip and brush over a towel thing.


What a pain. Good luck.



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I feel for you, a few years ago when my daughter was still in public school, she brought home lice. Ugh.


We used the special shampoo on her and everyone in the house (except my son who was only a baby and seemed to be fine), washed all the sheets, pillow cases and blankets and whatnot, and tied all stuffed animals from her bed/room in a plastic garbage bag for a while (I forget how long), cleaned and sanitized all the hair brushes, repeated the lecture about how you never share hats, brushes, ponytails and so on.


And then I slowly, painstakingly, went through her hair in very small sections picking out the little nits or whatever was in there one by one until I could not find any more on her head. And she had long hair!


Fortunately it worked and we've never had a repeat case but it certainly wasn't any fun at the time!

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