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What would you do for 5th grade if you needed your dc to be pretty independent?


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I had a great plan all worked out, but I'm not feeling well and may need to scrap it and have dc be more independent. I'm hoping to feel better by fall, but if not, I need a backup plan. (Rising 2nd grader will still need me for practically everything.)


Dd10 does well academically; actually likes to be independent. Our math is CLE/MM, so that is covered. We have Jump In for writing. I thought we'd do R+S 5 orally for grammar; I think I can still manage that. What else?

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What were your original plans?


I will say that I think history as described in WTM can be fairly independent - for dd for 5th, I have made a 'checklist' of what she is supposed to do each week (based on the list in WTM), and aside from discussion with me, it will be pretty independent.


I don't know what kind of science you are looking for, but the online PLATO middle school science programs might be a good answer - very independent. You could buy appropriate science kits to add experiments to it.


I don't know whether or not you were planning any foreign languages...


Logic - Mindbenders & the Prufrock Press logic series are both independent.


HTH somewhat...

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spelling- workbook like SWO

literature- text like Mosdos




Would the easiest for history and science be online- something like K12 or SOS? OR Would written be easier- like Abeka, BJUP, or life pak? I think SOTW on audio and reading the Usborne Science Encyclopedia sound easy.




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yes that helps, thanks! Originally planned individual skill subjects in morning and then afternoons of TOG/sci based on TOG together w/ 5th/2nd graders. I was going to do their writing, etc., based on TOG at their own levels. The whole thing is now just overwhelming me.

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Happy, you need to use what you have but loosen up how you use it. You can still use TOG, but you're going to use the PILE method. Pile it up, let them read, move on. Marcia Somerville says at this age to "trust much to the reading of good books." So you need to bank on that a bit and just do it. Get your TOG read alouds on audio and have a time slot for it each day where they listen to an audio while working on a craft or coloring page. Don't make this hard. There's no need to throw out everything you have. Just tweak and make it more independent.

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