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Likes SM but only easier parts

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I took DS(9) out of third grade gifted program a few months ago. We're having to sift through 'highly gifted' or 'PDD-NOS'. I might need to post on other board, but thought I would start here. He is a 'all things numbers' kind of kid. DS says he likes SM and doesn't want to change, but I keep seeing this wall go up. He quickly picks up the textbook teaching, usually faster than I can get it out of my mouth and flies through the WB. HATES the IP, stalls and whines. He is finishing up 5A currently. I think it's perfectionism and a low tolerance for challenge. Any suggestions for working around this? or through?

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Could be a low tolerance for challenge, but keep in mind that there's a bunch of repetition in the IP books. Not every problem will challenge his thinking skills. We've found sections that just drag if the kids have already thoroughly learned the skill and these sections, IMO, beg to be ommitted.


Challenging a child who wants everything to be easy is tricky. I went through it with my 11 y.o. and I'm currently "in the trenches" with it with my 4 y.o. -- and I've found that the "fix" that finally worked with oldest is not necessarily the magic bullet with the 4 y.o. Sigh! Kids -- gotta love 'em!

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My son hated the IP books too. I get around that by not using them. Just because he's gifted doesn't mean you have to use them. We use the CWP books for extra challenge.


On another note, highly gifted *and* PDD-NOS could be a possibility.

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I took DS(9) out of third grade gifted program a few months ago. We're having to sift through 'highly gifted' or 'PDD-NOS'. I might need to post on other board, but thought I would start here. He is a 'all things numbers' kind of kid. DS says he likes SM and doesn't want to change, but I keep seeing this wall go up. He quickly picks up the textbook teaching, usually faster than I can get it out of my mouth and flies through the WB. HATES the IP, stalls and whines. He is finishing up 5A currently. I think it's perfectionism and a low tolerance for challenge. Any suggestions for working around this? or through?


We like the IP books here. It is true that they start off easier but the challenge really picks up towards the end of the topic sections.


Another idea is to use the CWP books. My daughter is nearing the end of the CWP5 book, and the first "practice problems" in each topic are similar to the IPs in that they are easier as well. The actual "Challenging Problems" towards the end of the topic sections are more challenging. The intent is to work the student towards the more challenging problems by building up the difficulty (from what I can tell).


The best way I have found to deal with what may be perfectionism is to simply add in more challenging problems slowly and get them used to it. Over time they learn to deal with the frustration of harder problems.


Good luck. :)

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:ohmy:Oh My! I just went back and looked at what I was doing. Forgive me, I've only been doing this a few months! So, I was looking at the intensive practice problems and only giving him the ones that I thought he needed to work on. Which meant I was always throwing him into the end of the topic section. Not much of a warm up there!! Everybody is learning new things here!! :lol: I'll re work it and see if that helps. Thanks everyone-

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