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Etiquette: Rude to post "thank you"?

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Some of these boards move so fast -- what's the proper way to say "thank you" when people post answers to your inquiries? I want to say thanks, but then it will bump the post back to the top of the forum and w/o having something new to add to the conversation it seems almost rude to do that. Anyone who's been around here for a while care to comment?


Thank you... in advance!! :tongue_smilie:

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I don't ever think it's rude to say thank you. Yes, it will bump the thread; but because the boards move so fast, it will only stay at the top for a few moments. If someone searches for their own posts, they'll see your thank you note.

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I always think it's nice to say thank you when someone takes the time to answer your questions. I don't think it's rude at all to bump your post to the beginning.




:iagree: Plus someone else might have more to add to the conversation OR might also benefit from the answer during the brief time that it is back on top :)

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