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I feel so great dejunking my house

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it is so freeing is how I would describe it. Everyday I am fulling up boxes of stuff and putting it out by the curb and it always disappears before the trashmen come. I guess I am contributing to others hoarding but oh well. I also put out a king size mattress. a twin mattress and a recliner and magicially it all disappeared. My son is even getting into the spirit of it, he said that I can get rid of all his toys except his action figures so we agreed on that. I want my house to eventually be clutterfree and I will even get to the attic after I do the living areas of my house. I actually look forward every day to getting rid of more stuff.

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it is so freeing is how I would describe it. Everyday I am fulling up boxes of stuff and putting it out by the curb and it always disappears before the trashmen come. I guess I am contributing to others hoarding but oh well. I also put out a king size mattress. a twin mattress and a recliner and magicially it all disappeared. My son is even getting into the spirit of it, he said that I can get rid of all his toys except his action figures so we agreed on that. I want my house to eventually be clutterfree and I will even get to the attic after I do the living areas of my house. I actually look forward every day to getting rid of more stuff.


I *love* to declutter! We just had new floors put in so we had to move everything out and then back in. It was a great motivator! Do we really need this? We were able to donate so many things. I just loved it. I totally know what you are saying!! :D

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I did this about 6 months ago, it was so great! I had an initial garage sales with the 'good' stuff and mde about 500 dollars. Then I put the leftovers in boxes, dejunked everything else that wouldn't have gotten anything at the yard sale, and then put it ALL out on the curb. Believe me when I said that the curb was overflowing, and I was afraid I was going to get a citation for over-filling it. I posted a notice on the craigslist 'for free' section with just a few of the items that were there, and asked they get it ASAP so I didn't get in trouble. Trust me when I said it was no more than 20 minutes later that I looked out there and had nothing left other than a few stuffed animals. After that, I was kinda kicking myself that I even bothered to bring the stuff down to the road myself - I should have just told them to come get it out of the yard or off my porch!!!! :lol:

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The garbage truck just pulled away with 2 contractor bags stuffed to the top with junk from our den. The best part is that the kids were so excited to be reunited with the good stuff that was buried under the junk that they never commented on what disappeared.:D

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Cadam, I have told my family that getting rid of stuff is not an excuse to bring in or buy "more stuff". My dc are older, 13 and 15 next month so they do not need any toys (except for ds's action figures which can fit in one box in his room) and his few sports stuff which is in the garage. Dd has her Barbie dream house and a few Barbies in a bin all out in the garage that is all she wants to keep. I want to be able to vaccuum without spending most of the day picking up stuff in order to vaccuum. Oh, also we have a bookcase that is just for board games which I am fine with as long as the games stay put away on the bookcase when not in use.

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I have been having a great time with this one, see my sig line! I started with the "toss 1 item a day for 365 days" challenge in January, and I have had great fun with it.


We have also been doing a bit of remodeling/rearranging around here, and it is an incentive to get rid of things.


I agree with the junk-out-doesn't-mean-more-junk-in folks. In addition to throwing out, I am paying much greater attention to what I bring in. (Or should I say, what I *don't* choose to bring in?)

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Funny story: we decluttered a bunch last fall, putting stuff on the curb. A few weekends ago I was driving past a garage sale down the street and saw my footboard for sale. :) I know who took it off the curb! DH says if they want to sell it, more power to them. I agree! I don't want to hold onto it until a yard sale.

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dh says that with all the stuff I am putting out by the curb, everyone will assume we are moving lol. Actually, I do have my "dream House" that I would love to move to, it is only 1/4 mile away (on the beach) and is listed for 4 million! It has 6 bedrooms, 7 bathrooms, 3 stories with an elevator. Dh said if we could afford to move there, we could afford to have a housekeeper (in my dreams). Keep buying those lottery tickets.

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