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Phy. Ed. for your child(ren)

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I saw a post in the highschool and up forum section about this and it got me thinking....


What do you consider or schedule for your child(ren) that is along the lines of P.E.? Besides typical children play outside and such things?


Last year we didn't do anything. This year I'm implenting some fun hula hoop games on the Wii and some other sports on the Wii..we're a one car family and going to the YMCA isn't realistic for us. Also I purchased a parachute and some beach balls from OTC last year that we never opened and used..also I purchased recently from OTC a velcro score hat that includes 2 soft balls that can be thrown at the hat and catch the velcro and stay for the points marked on the hat. I thought my kids would have a blast with that. Also last year I found baseball bases at The Dollar Tree. So I'm thinking of purchasing a kickball for starters and do that as well.


For us Friday's will be our P.E. day to begin with until we can see how well it'll fit into our yearly schedule. We might up it to 2-3 times a week. Depending on the kids.

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My 9 y/o likes to borrow various kid's exercise and dance videos from our library and do those on her own. Sometimes we put on one of my exercise videos and she does it with us.


I organized a "spring walking club" for our homeschool group and each week we'd meet at a different walking path or trail or location and we'd all walk around- sometimes the kids would bring their bikes or scooters along.


We'd go to playgrounds, sometimes we'd go to indoor playplaces where the kids can climb and slide and jump and whatnot.


We joined a homeschool bowling league over the spring/summer. She does swimming lessons in the summer.


Other than that, it's mostly the standard play/run/ride your bike outside kind of thing.

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Our local community center has a lot of nice, short classes for DD's age group, which lets her try out different activities in addition to dance. Right now, it's cheerleading/tumbling. In the late Spring, it was t-ball. In the fall, she's signed up for a beginning Soccer team.

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We are very lucky to have co-op PE through a local college (give their student teachers guinea pigs) but I count all the sports my kids do as PE time. I would think anytime outside just playing would count for elementary students. I do think middle school up needs to be at least familiar with the rules of various games.

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I have to admit that I mostly cover PE with my "out for an hour" rule which basically requires my kids to go play outside for at least an hour a day unless it is storming or stays below 20 degrees all day. Even then, I can usually get them out for at least half an hour properly bundled or once I can't hear thunder. Most days they are out for well over that required hour, so I figure that even if we miss a day here or there it will even out. We have a big tumbling mat that we pull out and have some sort of crazy dance and tumble time set to loud music when weather does force us inside. DD has borrowed a yoga dvd for kids from the library and says she would like to try doing that regularly, so I'll be adding that in for the fall.

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