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Another WWE thread

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i think it depends on your kids.


:iagree: We started WWE a couple of months into second grade and are now 1/3 way through 2. Should be done by Thanksgiving of 3rd grade. If we continue, I expect to be done with WWE 3 at the end of 3rd.


Once he caught on about listening, and answering in full sentences, he steamed through WWE1. For two, there is an early effort at getting to the meat of things, and, 1/3 in, his narrations are fairly close to the samples in the book.

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We started when my ds was five, I think. He's six and a half now and is a few weeks into level two. Level one was a breeze, but I was a bit concerned that level two would be too much, as it introduces challenging dictation. He has really stepped up to the challenge though and is doing great!

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We started at 5 as well. We are currently about halfway through WWE2, and she is still loving it.


I would base it more on readiness than age or grade, however. I think a child should be reading fairly fluently and definitely writing comfortably before you start. I wouldn't worry about starting "too late," as it is very easy to accelerate and go double pace, or even skip weeks, as long as they are understanding and building the skills. Starting before a child is ready would just be an exercise in frustration for all involved.

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I would base it more on readiness than age or grade, however. I think a child should be reading fairly fluently and definitely writing comfortably before you start. I wouldn't worry about starting "too late," as it is very easy to accelerate and go double pace, or even skip weeks, as long as they are understanding and building the skills. Starting before a child is ready would just be an exercise in frustration for all involved.


Exactly what I was looking for. I think I am going to start this is January after we get reading up to par just a little more, and it can be something new to start after our Christmas break.

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According to TWTM, WWE I is supposed to be for first grade but, last year my dd was in 2nd and my ds was in kindergarten and they both did WWE I. So, I think that it all depends upon what your child is ready to do. My dd could have done WWE II but, I wanted to start her at the beginning so that she wouldn't miss the basics. This year we're combining WWE II & III so that my dd can do IV in the summer before she begins IEW in Classical Conversations. I don't know if my ds will keep up or not. If he doesn't, that's o.k. but, I know that my dd will do fine because she loves writing.

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