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Skin allergy to grass?

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I've noticed that when my youngest sits on the grass, she develops redness in the pattern of the grass on her legs. It doesn't appear raised or anything, just red...but it stays that way for hours afterward.


I remember certain tough grasses making indentation-type marks on my legs that go away after a little while. This isn't that. The grass isn't the softest but it isn't that super tough kind either. There are no indentations or raised areas, just the redness. It's obvious that the grass is causing it because that's when it happens but also the pattern is identical to grass.


Normal? Skin allergy? What?


Should I be keeping her off the grass or at least making sure her legs are fully covered?

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That sounds like an allergic reaction. Some people are just allergic to grass and may or may not grow out of it. Keeping her legs covered or giving her a blanket to sit on if she plans on sitting on grass would probably be the best bet.

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I always did that to as a child. My mom just had me take a bath as soon as I came in from playing. If it is bothering your child have her wear jeans or sit on a blanket, if it's not bothering her I think just washing it off as soon as you come inside is sufficient.

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My son has had excema on his legs since he was a newborn and one of the things that can cause it to flare up is sitting in the grass. I gave up trying to keep a little boy out of the grass and have learned to stick him in the tub as soon as he comes in. Then load him up with aveno lotion. Just a skin allergy. If your kiddo is willing to wear pants it will settle the issue, mine just won't.

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I remember reading a few years ago that an allergy to grass is one of the most common allergies. Particularly to Timothy grass which is one of the most common lawn grasses.


I always end up covered in a fine rash after I have been gardening, Never found the exact cause,

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Dd11's skin gets extremely red and itchy whenever it comes in contact with grass. She's had the problem since she was an infant. It's really bad.


She wears long pants and long sleeve shirts whenever possible. We keep one of those chairs in a bag (I have no idea what they are really called) in each of our vehicles for things like soccer games, a trip to the park, etc. She also usually takes a jacket with her when she is wearing shorts. That way, if something comes up unexpectedly and everyone ends up sitting in the grass (you'd be amazed at how often that comes up), she can sit on the jacket and not be left out. She also showers immediately when she comes in from such activities.


We are putting in a swingset/play area in our backyard this summer and she requested that we put mulch or stone in the area so that she will be able to play freely with the other dc.

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Wow! Ok. I'll make sure she has pants on in the grass. She's been wearing those cute little baby outfits that looks like a short dress with an attached diaper cover the last two days. She's also not been sleeping at night. Last night I got the idea that she might be itchy or going through a growth spurt (she's this close to walking). It's hard to tell when they can't say more than 4 words and itchy isn't one of them.


I remember reading a few years ago that an allergy to grass is one of the most common allergies. Particularly to Timothy grass which is one of the most common lawn grasses.



I found your comment particularly itchy because my son has tested positive for timothy grass on his recent allergy testing. How do you know what kind of grass you have? Do you know?

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I am very allergic to grass and have not outgrown it. In group settings like camp or VBS adults were sometimes dismissive of my allergy and made me sit on grass anyway, causing me hours of misery. If my little guy has the same problem I will make sure I explain it to the leaders and send him with a towel or "Tot Spot" chair.

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