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Classical Co-op in my area need feedback

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We have never been involved with a co-op and I found a co-op in my area that has a classical educational flavor. I went to a classical conversations meeting and I liked some aspects of CC but not all. I decided not to do CC. I was thinking about letting the boys choose 1 or 2 classes. They are rising 1st and 2nd graders.

The classes are each $20.00 a month for each semester the semester run from Sept-Dec than Jan-May. There is a small one time fee for supplies for some of the courses. The co-op seems to be very flexible. The parent can drop the child off or stay in the parent lounge and wait until the classes are done. They also have options for parents to volunteer for a discount on the classes. We can choose to do as many classes as we like. The clases are held or Fridays.


I guess I just want to get some feed back since we have never done a co-op. I usually have school 4 days a week. Thanks


Mon_school(piano practice @4pm)

Tues-school(cub scouts @6pm)



Friday-Light day or field trip


But if I do the co-op my schedule would look like this


Mon-school(piano practice @ 4pm)

Tues-school(cub scouts @ 6pm)

Wed-Library/shopping or errands


Friday-Co-op day


Here are the classes I was thinking about:


1st grade-

-10:30-11:30-Life Science( R.E.A.L. Science – level 1)


-12:00-1:00-Odyssey of the mind



10:30-11:30-CHemistry( Real Science 4 Kids – level 1)


12:00-1:00-Odyssey of the mind or

-Galloping the Globe

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I found for us that although coop was just one day a week it ended up taking more from our week. Some weeks I needed to purchase supplies (which often happened the day before). There was also time needed for planning on my part. And always, always, always, the day after was challenging to get much of anything done as we were all fairly wiped out. One day a week wouldn't be too huge a loss, but 1 1/2- 2 days was too much.:glare:

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