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Austrian Exchange Student


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We read Eva Ibbotson's The Star of Kazan earlier this year. I thought it was wonderful. Eva Ibbotson was born in Vienna, and it's like a love letter to Vienna. There's also a lot of mystery and intrigue, and things about the Lipizzaner stallions. It's set in Vienna shortly before WWI (with a side trip in the middle to northern Germany).


Speaking of the Lipizzaners, as a teen I loved Mary Stewart's Airs Above the Ground, but I'm not sure it would be as well received by boys (it's kind of romance-y).

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Susie, do you mean Cobblestone mag or one those publications? That's a good idea! I'll check it out. We've been listening to those Classical kids cds for forever, so that does give the kids some background. Maybe we'll re-emphasize listening to them.


I'll look for Henry and the Ibbotson books too. They sound great.



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I had to search for it because I couldn't remember the name. The magazine is "Learning Through History" and the title is "The Austrian Empire". You can find it here http://www.learningthroughhistory.com/Store/CategorySingleIssues.html




Susie, do you mean Cobblestone mag or one those publications? That's a good idea! I'll check it out. We've been listening to those Classical kids cds for forever, so that does give the kids some background. Maybe we'll re-emphasize listening to them.


I'll look for Henry and the Ibbotson books too. They sound great.



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Hi Susie, Hah! I searched through Cobblestone, thinking that's what you meant and ordered one of their issues which features Maria Theresa! I've never seen learning through history! Now, I'll have to check it out as well!



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Wow! You live in Vienna? I live in Vienna too, only it's in Northern Virginia! LOL! Our exchange student is a young gentleman from Rametzberg which according to the internet source I googled is 46 miles outside of Vienna (I wanna say west of it, but I can't quite remember). We are getting our student through 4H. He is a farmer as are his parents and brother. He'll be staying with us 3 weeks but he's actually going to be in the US for 6 weeks, I believe. He's getting quite the trip. He'll be going to New York City for a few days then back to VA to stay with folks way out in the country. Then he'll also spend 2 or 3 days at Virginia Beach.


What are summers like in Austria? It gets so hot and humid here. Four years ago we had a student from France and the heat and humidity just made him collapse. I think his strongest memory of the trip what how miserable he was whenever he stepped outside the air conditioning. I'm hoping this Austrian farmer is made of hardier stuff.

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How funny that you live in Vienna, VA! LOL


As for summer, it can and does get hot here, but not like in VA. In fact, it's been what I'd call chilly and damp the past few days - rainy and in the 50's! We moved here last July and if I remember correctly we had a good 4 or 5 weeks of heat, but then it tapered off.


I'm going to order that Learning Through History book about Austria for my kids.


Your exchange student is going to have a blast. Many years ago my parents hosted a bunch of exchange students (over several years). We did the summer thing once with a German and a French boy at the same time. I really enjoyed having those students visit our home and it's a fond memory from my childhood.

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